Stout and soft-bodied, these destructive caterpillars range in color from tan and pink to green, brown, dirt-gray and nearly black. (G. Fauske, NDSU) Army cutworm larvae (Figure 8) are 1½ to 2 inches long when mature. Pupae are brown, spindle-shaped, and about ¾ inch long. The wingspan can be 1.4 to 1.8 inches. Adults are dingy, gray-brown moths marked with light or dark spots on the wings. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Examine 25 consecutive corn plants within a row in at least 10 widely distributed areas in a field and record type of damage (leaf feeding, cut above ground, cut below ground. The wingspan can be 1.4 to 1.8 inches. (A) A bucket style trap, which can be baited with many types of pheromones, including that of black cutworm moths. They emerge at night to feed on the roots and shoots of grass plants. Black triangles indicate years when moth counts >0.5/day on April 30th. There are three black dashes on each forewing. After two weeks in the pupal stage, they emerge adult moths. The black cutworm – Agrostis ipsilon Hufnagel (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) – is widely distributed in the temperate regions of the world. Small larvae damage emerging corn by feeding on leaves or cutting plants at soil level. Picimbon JF, Gadenne C, 2002. They have black dots along both sides of their body. They have a wing spread of 1 to 2 inches. Cutworms feed at night and can often be found during the day hidden in the soil near the base of the damaged plants. When the moth is not flying, it rests its wings flat over its body.Management: Monitoring for cutworms is important for management. army cutworm (caterpillar): immature stage of the miller moth. Black cutworms have small black dots on their bodies, while variegated cutworms are mottled brown with a faint white stripe down their backs. (6-38 mm) long. Therefore, the clippings must be disposed of 100 yards or more from the green because cutworms may crawl long distances (up to 30 feet per night). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 32(8):839-846; many ref. One female can lay 300 to2,000 eggs over a series of several days. Evolution of noctuid pheromone binding proteins: identification of PBP in the black cutworm moth, Agrotis ipsilon. Regular sampling for cutworms and damage, followed by insecticide treatment, if needed, will protect turf grass against significant damage by black cutworms. Missouri thresholds for performing a rescue treatment are 4% if cutting occurs below ground and 6% if damage is above ground including leaf feeding. Its hind wings are light in color with a brown tint along the margins. 4). Agrotis ipsilon, the dark sword-grass, black cutworm, greasy cutworm, floodplain cutworm or ipsilon dart, is a small noctuid moth found worldwide. shepherds’ purse) and early spring emerging broadleaf weeds (e.g. Black cutworm moth captures have been observed in Minnesota and Iowa during the past few weeks, which indicates that South Dakota corn fields are also likely at risk for cutworm activity. The adult moths mate and feed at night on flowering trees, bushes or weeds near the golf course. Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management, Pairs of dorsal spots (tubercles) are unequal in size on black cutworm larvae and equal in size on dingy cutworm larvae. E-mail:, (stage attracted to and captured in traps), Missouri Pest Management Guide: Corn, Grain Sorghum, Soybean, Winter Wheat (M171), equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer, Relatively large with wingspans of 1.5-2.0 inches, Single, black, dagger-like mark on each forewing, Rough, grainy skin ranging from light gray to black, Pale indistinct, narrow stripe along the center of the back. This pest is sporadic, making it essential to scout fields to determine if … Convex and shiny skin granules of various sizes appear conspicuously on the upper side of the body. Numerous convex skin granules give the larvae an overall shiny and "greasy" appearance. All rights reserved. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. Areas with dense populations of winter annual (e.g. Identification Black cutworm larvae are greyish-black with a paler underside. Black cutworm (BCW) is a migratory pest that cuts and feeds on early vegetative-stage corn. An equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer. In Louisiana, the black cutworm can complete five to six overlapping generations in a year. If three to eight cutworms per square yard are found, a pesticide application may be needed. Missouri Pest Monitoring Network Black Cutworm I.D. For questions about accessibility and/or if you need additional accommodations for a specific document, please send an email to ANR Communications & Marketing at Every year, the adult moths migrate northward and arrive in Michigan in early to mid June. They can complete one to three generations per season in Michigan. Common cutworm species in Minnesota The most common species of cutworm occurring in Minnesota gardens are the bronzed cutworm, variegated cutworm, black cutworm, dingy cutworm, glassy cutworm and army cutworm. Scout from corn emergence until the V5 (5 leaf collars showing) stage of development. Picimbon JF, Gadenne C, BTcard JM, ClTment JL, Sreng L, 1997. Larvae are hairless caterpillars with markings on the head and body (Fig. The larvae of black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) range in size between 0.2-1.5 in. Their color ranges from grey to nearly black with a greasy, pebbly skin. Females lay eggs on the tips of grass blades, and larvae hatch from eggs within several days, depending on the temperature. It is a common problem on creeping bentgrass greens of golf courses, which can tolerate very little feeding injury. Also, mowing early (before 5:30 AM) one morning each week will destroy most cutworm larvae before they can return to their burrows. The eggs hatch in three to 10 days (depending on temperature) and the young caterpillars begin to feed on the grass shoots. Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. Printed from: 4). For example, 12 plants cut above ground among the 250 plants observed (25 plants x 10 areas) means that 4.8% of the stand was damaged by above ground cutting. Datasources: W.Bluhm 2 and J.Green. The moth gets its scientific name from black markings on its forewings shaped like the letter "Y" or the Greek letter upsilon. The upper half of the body is a darker gray than the lower half. BCW moths lay eggs in and near crop fields, and larvae can cut corn seedlings or feed on leaves. Black cutworms, also known as Agrotis ipsilon, are some of the most common cutworms. 1). Figure 1. The larvae are serious agricultural pests and feed on nearly all varieties of vegetables and many important grains. Species most commonly found in Ontario include: black cutworm, dark-sided cutworm, and the sandhill cutworm. Most cutworms curl up in a coil when disturbed The adult moth is gray with black markings on its wings (Fig. Figure 1: Damage caused by black cutworms. Black cutworm larvae vary in color from light gray to black and are about 1 ½ inches long when fully grown. 2). David Smitley The caterpillars are usually about an inch or two long and are yellow, gray, green, brown, or sometimes even pink in color. They are commonly referred to as cutworms and may reduce plant stand and yield if abundant. Although cutworms are also found on fairways, they rarely cause enough damage to be considered a problem there. Cutworms are moth larvae that hide under litter or soil during the day, coming out in the dark to feed on plants. When disturbed, the … Pupae are brown, spindle-shaped, and about ¾ inch long. Identification: Depending on the species, cutworms vary in color from pink, green or brown to black, usually with muted stripes running lengthwise along their bodies. Black cutworm larvae (picture below) are a little difficult to identify because of the lack of markings which jump out at you. Cutworms simply occupy the aeration holes when they are present on a green instead of making their own burrows. Any early season weed growth is very attractive to the moths. When mature the adult black cutworm metamorphoses into a brown moth with a wing span up to 55 mm. The larval stage lasts 20 to 40 days until pupation occurs and the pupae become adult moths. Calculate the percentage of plants damaged. The texture of the skin is characteristic and distinguishes them from all other cutworms. Cutworms feed on many plant species. Fields with soybean residue or weeds are more attractive to the moths, which may result in increased risk for such fields. Figure 2: Black cutworm eggs on bentgrass. Figure 7. They are green to black, with the dorsal side darker than the ventral side. The skin texture consists of convex, rounded, coarse granules with smaller granules in… Cutworm caterpillars grow to a width of 0.2 inch and a length of 1.4 to 2 inches. Several types of caterpillars feed on seedling corn and may cut the stem. Cutworm caterpillars grow to a width of 0.2 inch and a length of 1.4 to 2 inches. Black cutworms dig burrows in the thatch or soil of a golf course green. Refer to the Great Lakes IPM Inc. (Vestaburg, Michigan) catalog for more information on black cutworm traps and lures. They're the immature larval stage of several different types of moths. Identification can be made by looking at the larvae and the damage they cause. Black cutworms overwinter and the southernmost regions of North America. DMCA and other copyright information. Black Cutworm caterpillar pest found mainly on Bent Grass golf greens. The body is also hairless, excluding a fewbristles. The color varies from greasy gray to black above the spiracles (small circular openings on the caterpillar's sides) with lighter shades on the underside. Refer to the extension bulletin " Commercial Turf Establishment and Pest Management" (E-2178) for insecticide recommendations. Moths may stay in the local area or migrate to other locations. In these areas, migrant … Black cutworm moths arrive in Iowa and other northern states with spring storms each year. Diagnostic features to identify black cutworms. The head capsule is dark with a triangle-shapedm… Photo: Julieta Brambila, USDA APHIS PPQ, Black cutworm is a migratory moth that moves into South Dakota during early spring from the Southern U.S. The black cutworm moth has a dark, dagger-shaped marking near the outer edge of each forewing. They have black dots along both sides of their body. They are active at night and spend the day under debris on the soil away from light. Look for two alternating dark and orange stripes on the sides and a pale white line down the back. The inner two-thirds of the forewing is dark, while the outer one-third is much lighter in color. These moths lay eggs in and around crop fields, and emerging BCW larvae can cut seedling corn. Copyright © 2020 - Curators of the University of Missouri. Begin scouting in fields in which the probability of black cutworm damage is greatest: low lying fields; fields located near vegetation such as streams, grass strips, woods; weedy fields; fields with heavy residue or infestation of winter annual weeds (e.g. Black cutworm larvae vary in size from 3 mm when newly hatched to 4-5 cm when fully grown. The black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon(Hufnagel), has a wide host range, feeding on nearly all vegetables and many important grains, particularly corn. Their color ranges from gray to nearly black. There is a pale rather indistinct narrow stripe along the center of the back. CUTWORM IDENTIFICATION Like armyworms, cutworms aren't really worms. Identification . There are four major groups of cutworms based on habitat and feeding behavior: 1. subterranean cutwor… The caterpillars often use aeration holes for burrows, but aerated greens do not have more cutworm damage than greens that are not aerated. The black cutworm has many weed and crop hosts. Cutworms are dingy, gray-black and smooth-skinned caterpillars that may reach 1-1/2 inches long. The black cutworm is the species most likely to damage turf in Michigan. Although black cutworm caterpillars injure corn by feeding on leaf tissue, the serious damage occurs when caterpillar feeding results in cut young corn plants, leading to significant stand loss and the need to replant sections of a field. Black cutworm moths arriving in Minnesota seek out areas with crop debris, sheltered areas, and low-lying spots in the field to lay eggs. Black cutworm (BCW) is a migratory pest that arrives in Iowa with spring storms each year. There is a distinct black, “dagger-like” dash near the front margin of the front wing. June 8, 2015 There is a pale rather indistinct narrow stripe along the center of the back (Fig. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. A soap solution (1/2 ounce of liquid dish soap per 3 gallons of water) applied as a drench to the green during the day will flush the caterpillars from their burrows. When disturbed, the caterpillars curl up tightly into a C-shape. As the caterpillars increase in size, they burrow into the turf and move to and from these holes at night to feed on the grass. 3). Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. D. R. Smitley. 3). Description. This method will tell you when the first moths begin showing up at your golf course and you can begin monitoring the greens for the damaging cutworms. All rights reserved.DMCA and other copyright information.An equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer.Published by Division of Plant Sciences, 52 Agriculture Lab, Columbia, MO 65211 | | 573-882-3001. The larval stage appears as a smooth bodied, dark coloured caterpillar with longitudinal lines and brown to black spots on back and sides. Black Cutworm larva. A broad light gray band runs down the middle of the back. One of the most common types is the black cutworm, which affects lawns and vegetable gardens. This information is for educational purposes only. Cutworms are found throughout North America. How to Identify Cutworms Because cutworms are actually several different species of caterpillars grouped under one name, they can be somewhat difficult to identify. The upper half of the body is a darker gray than the lower half. When disturbed, they curl up into a “C." The black cutworm caterpillar’s body appears greengrayto almost black, with a lighter gray underside and abroad stripe of lighter gray or brown down the middle of theback (Figure 3). Damage: Larvae feed on roots and foliage of young plants, often girdling them at the soil line. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. A 20-foot border around the green should also be treated because most of the cutworms found on the green come from the surrounding turf. Three species of cutworms are pests on golf course turf: the black cut worm, the bronzed cutworm and the variegated cutworm. Identification Black cutworm – Agrotis ipsolon (Hufnagel), Noctuidae, Lepidoptera Adult – The moth is characterized by long, narrow, usually dark forewings which are pale near the tips. Tubercles on the body are paired, but uneven in size. Regular delta traps with black cutworm pheromone lures inside should be hung near the greens. Thresholds should be decreased to 2 and 4% if corn stands are sparse (less than 22,000 plants/acre). Black cutworm larvae vary in color from light gray to black and are about 1 ½ inches long when fully grown. It can’t survive winters in Minnesota or other latitudes with freezing winter temperatures. - Numerous convex skin granules give the larvae an overall shiny and "greasy" appearance. Identification of grayish black with patterns of gray and brown stripes. black cutworm and many other moths can be purchased for less than $10, and can be used to trap other moth species later in the season. Their feeding damage resembles ball marks on golf course greens - round or depressed spots of dead turf (Fig. Daily mowing of greens removes 75 to 97 percent of the cutworm eggs before they hatch, but up to 90 percent of the eggs removed by the greens mower can survive and hatch and grass clippings. 1). Cutworms require 20 to 40 days of intense feeding to form pupae. Scouting for black cutworm can be difficult because the larvae often hide during the day in soil or under residue. I compared this to my dataset of black cutworm moth trap counts and found an interesting pattern: Phenology of flowering woody plants and increase in early season abundance of black cutworms. For early detection, pheromone traps can be used to monitor the adult moths as they migrate into Michigan. The larvae are known as "cutworms" because they cut plants and other crops. The adult black cutworm moth is reddish-brown with a front wing that is brown to black in the center two-thirds and clay-colored to the tip. henbit); late planted corn fields; fields with a history of black cutworm damage. Figure 4. The female lays eggs singly on the tips of grass blades (Fig. Adult moths are moderate sized, brown or black insects showing various splotches, or stripes in shades of gray, brown, black or white. Latin name: Agrotis ipsilon The black cutworm is the major cutworm of the Corn Belt - similar species are found worldwide Black cutworms eat many plants, including corn, cotton, tobacco, vegetables, weeds and turf grasses Different color forms of the army cutworm moth. Author: Most cutworms curl up in a coil when disturbedThe adult moth is gray with black markings on its wings (Fig. Tubercles on the body are paired, but uneven in size. Copyright © 2021 — Curators of the University of Missouri. Newly hatched larvae are about a quarter inch long and grow to be about two inches long when full sized. Even though crops were planted earlier this year than previous years, cold temperatures may slow growth and allow BCW larvae to coincide with early vegetative corn … Black cutworm larvae are shades of gray to near black. When the moth is not flying, it rests its wings flat over it… Cutworms often have darker stripes or markings as well. Larvae are hairless caterpillars with markings on the head and body (Fig. Adult cutworms are moths of dark wing colors. They have small dark spots on their bodies and mature into the dark sword-grass moth. The young cutworm feeds on plant material without cutting off the stems or leaves but later becomes a true cutworm when it begins to cut off foliage and carry it back to its burrow. A larva typically attacks the first part of the plant it encounters, namely the stem, often of a seedling, and consequently cuts it down; hence the name cutworm.Cutworms are not worms, biologically speaking, but caterpillars Variegated cutworms, another common species, are mottled brown and have a faint white stripe down their backs. Adults are dingy, gray-brown moths marked with light or dark spots on back and sides overwinter the. Its hind wings are light in color from light the adult moth is gray with black markings on the.! Cuts and feeds on early vegetative-stage corn 1 ½ inches long when fully grown stands are sparse ( than. ’ t survive winters in Minnesota or other latitudes with freezing winter temperatures greasy... Disturbed, they curl up into a “ C. nearly all varieties of vegetables and many grains! Into a brown tint along the margins on creeping bentgrass greens of golf courses, affects... And brown to black and are about 1 ½ inches long when full sized, marking. 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