You may also be eligible for extended childcare leave for a child … It’s as though you are buying time until the inevitable… several days off in a row because your child is now too sick to go to daycare. Molly appreciates the unique things in life, and is a Ennegagram 7w8. Working Moms' Challenges: Paid Leave, Child Care The past week's political firestorm has focused on stay-at-home moms. WORKING WITH A SICK KID ISN’T FOR THE WEAK. You can get sick from a trip the the library, grocery store and even the doctor's office. Digital Mom Blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and their properties. These days are hard. Being a working mom with a sick kid is tough, but this too shall pass. Or the ineffective Tylenol? It should be assumed by an employer that sick days are being used as needed and not abused. Thankfully my husband is an all-hands-on-deck kind of guy. Usually, I left with no prescriptions and a reassurance that things would be fine in a few days. Mom to 4 kids, Molly Thornberg aka Digital Mom is the blogger-in-chief here at This is because the father usually earns more and his job is thought to be more important. Sick days are a benefit of employment, often presented at the time of a job offer as an added value to working for said company. I know that I am blessed to now have a flexible work schedule. Gather your tribe, it takes a village to raise a kid! No. My Daily Reads. “Your son is here in the office with 101.2 degree fever, we checked both ears and both read the same temperature.”. How to Deal With Your Boss When Your Child Is Sick. My husband also frequently travels for work, and parenting alone is tough—I am forever in awe of my single mom friends. Copyright © 2021 Digital Mom Blog - Delivering the Funny Memes & Tech Since 2010. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. A couple of weeks ago, I went through a common parenting challenge: Dr. Mom’s dilemma. (We changed Natalie’s name for privacy purposes, as she is not a public figure.) For Working Moms, One Sick Kid Can Spell Disaster. After I got him out of the bath, I broke a self imposed work-from-home rule, I worked from bed. ), About / Press + Collaboration / Contact / Sitemap / Privacy Policy & Income Disclosure, Humble Brag Alert: Digital Mom Blog was named one of the top mom blogs for 2018 by Feed Spot and Onalytica. That means, working while the sick-one is sleeping or taking a phone call with a crying, uncomfortable baby on your hip. That said, that hasn’’t always been the case. If this prayer isn't answered, anxiety can strike at the thought of how the boss will react if you need a day off or ask to work from home while caring for your kid. I would like to use a sick day tomorrow if that is OK with you. “Yes, we could have called family, but the hard thing is you want to be at home with your sick child,” says Patti. How do you balance the time off and giving your all when you are there? Job sharing might just be the key to keeping moms in the workforce. One day in the all-too-close yet distant future, you will long for these: the unexpected, fever-induced, couch-cuddle, movie-watching days. We talk tech, laugh at funny memes and discuss all things about mom life. “Mommy, I don’t feel good.” Five simple words that, when strung together by the young children of working moms, have the power to cause the ultimate showdown of work vs. mom. Working Mom and Sick Child. asks from Bellmore, NY on March 17, 2011 18 answers. At first he woke up a little dizzy and I was sure he would fall right back asleep, but I was mistaken. She likes to keep it real, overshares on her personal Insta-stories, tries her best to show grace and always appreciates a funny meme. Will you take him to the doctor or an after hour’s urgent care center? Working Mother Magazine recently conducted a survey and found that one of the cons of a working mom is being faced with the choice of missing work and staying home with a sick child… Of course it was the most common reason, my child is sick. According to the Center for American Progress, "women now make up half of all workers in the United States, with nearly 4 in 10 homes having a mom that is also a working mother." VOMIT everywhere, and the teacher is helping me? This was originally published on July 20, 2015 on Digital Mom Blog. Next time you need to stay home to care for your sick child or even yourself, try this simple trick: Think of it not as a sick day but as a benefit, and treat it as such. “Motherhood isn’t a favor, and it’s not a luxury. As someone who leads a team, I find it easier to deal with a situation when the employee knows how they want to solve the situation. If my daughter is sick I … I got him home, gave him Tylenol, jumped in the shower and had him play in the bath within a few minutes of my arrival. This lovely Dancing Bee Honey Wine (mead) reminded me of a smooth, semi-sweet whiskey. It’s amazing how kids can go from puking their brains out with a fever to playing with a boat, asking for bubbles in 30 minutes. I am looking for a job, probably full-time and I am wondering how to answer a question that might come up in an interview. Thankfully today I was working remote. Read on for a description of the top three mistakes working moms make when using our sick-day benefits (and add your own in the comments section): Due to anxiety, guilt or over-abundant honesty, we offer too many details. Giving specific detail on how you are handling the situation is the best way, in my experience to approach a sick kid situation. Just thankful that while today was all HELL, we all survived. How will you make up your hours, or will you take off of work? ... you must attend to your career to be a successful working mom. A toxic relationship is a two-way street. ... 'Stuck in no man’s land': A working mom details dealing with her sick child's student loan bill. It’s just what the doctor ordered for the day I had. What’s the plan for tomorrow? The teacher hands me wipes. Some parents who are allowed time off fear that actually taking it will send a message that they're not serious about their work. Thanks so much. A CEO mom shares her insights on work-life balance—or lack thereof. Figure out what your plan is and execute it. You know—the battle of deciding what to do when your child gets sick. I’ve been to the doctor dozens of times. But on the other hand, I felt outraged. Headache after headache, an inbox full of emails and I am trying to stay on top of it all – when the phone rings. As a working mom, sick kids don’t just mean a day off work to snuggle a sick child. Other days we don’t. (We changed Natalie’s name for privacy purposes, as she is not a public figure.) In an effort to meet all of our responsibilities, both at home and in the office, we are likely to forget that we have earned the benefit to stay home to care for ourselves and our family. I am going to cherish my cuddling moments with my sick son before I blink and he is 5 feet 11 inches tall, driving off to college. EXCERPTS: Your kid is sick, but you're needed on the job. Our employers need not be privy to the 3 a.m. play-by-play of our sick-child routine, nor do they need to know the exact temperature on the thermometer and the time at which it was taken. However, if your child falls ill and you don't know how … If you see your child's nose running, you may silently pray: "Please, please, don't let my child get sick." Sometimes there are deadlines that can’t be pushed. Veteran moms and dads had a few thoughts. They are earned and tracked. Love me some TEXAS wine1. Sign up to receive our weekly email newsletter! His mom and dad need him, but also to pay the bills. Spoiler alert: Yes. ... How to Juggle Work and a Sick Child; Refocusing on Your Career . Those states are Arizona, California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, New Jersey, R No, thank you. Run home at lunch, do the tag team hand-off the sick kid relay so that he can go in the office. Giving specific detail on how you are handling the situation is the best way, in my experience to approach a sick kid situation. It’s the dreaded call from the kids’ school. This framework will help you protect your career while taking care of your family. I am holding him so my hair and shirt catch it. And this May, a study published in Pediatrics found that in 57 percent of cases, child-care directors sen… Raising kids is not for the faint of heart. Forgive yourself for dropping everything to stay home with a sick child who wants nothing more than a snuggle from Mom. I will be sure to check email and voicemail from home. If my son wants to watch 5 hours of Peewee’s Playhouse, so be it. We long to keep our priorities straight. Facebook 0 Tweet 0 Pin 0. Ideally, you will already know your employer's policy on missing work to stay at home and care for your sick child before the situation happens. His fever didn’t even break with Tylenol! 3 of my kids attend this school. We have so much going on and it’s so hard to know that I have to half my heart. I don’t want to poo-poo the life of a working mom, because believe me – there are MANY advantages. Fifty prominent moms signed a letter than ran in, No Time For Self-Care? The struggle is real, the choices are tough. You may end up feeling like you’re failing at both. April 15, 2016 // by Rebecca Huff // Leave a Comment // This post contains affiliate links. A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Coping With a Sick Child It means: Determining which deadline can be pushed out a day or two. "When it comes to details on your kid's sickness, less is more.". But a feverish child at 3 a.m. can evoke that conflict, the showdown we want so much to avoid. Clearly, he is sick and I am exhausted. Zeke was cuddled up next to me sucking his thumb, napping. But a feverish child at 3 a.m. can evoke that conflict, the showdown we want so much to avoid. Just because you pull your baby, doesn't mean they aren't going to get sick. Having a sick kid is something that puts a major kink being a working mom. Sick of the sick day cycle, Patti and Terry Fitzgerald, parents of four from Peterborough, Ont., decided to do something radical: Terry quit his job as a shift manager to stay home when the kids were young. I DIE. “Natalie” is $148,851 deep in student loans for her sick child and is finding it increasingly harder to get by. A dad asks Reddit if he was wrong for yelling at his college sitter and upsetting his wife. I have one-on-ones with my team. It might just keep thousands of women in the workforce. I was up all night working on a big launch for work today. Tomorrow is my in-office day. For working middle- to lower-income moms, a family emergency can easily spell financial disaster. But taking a lot of sick days to care for children seems to hit the vortex of working mom anxiety — the ultimate test of whether we can manage both … You have them until they are used, and then you earn more. The pandemic created an almost intolerable situation for working mothers—and the consequences will likely be felt for years to come. But with three kids illness spread and it is still the hardest thing I deal with as a mom. Did I really need to mention Spongebob? Make your work aware of the situation. If you make the wrong decision it can damage your career and professional reputation. Taking Care of Sick Children: One of the major difficulties of being a working mother is that taking care of an ailing child often falls on the woman. Entitlement. Amazon moms are every working mom, calling for backup day-care benefits ... “The whole discussion of paid sick leave and child care now has moved away from … Embrace these moments. You’re late for work and you have a sick child. Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. working mom blog. Screen time limits go out the window when my kid is sick. Here are the conversations you should have before leaving the workforce, according to two experts in women’s advancement. Sometimes, missing a deadline could mean losing your job, so you are under even more pressure to find a way to handle the situation. I started a new job about 4 months ago. You and your spouse each get 6 days per year of childcare leave until the year your child turns 7 years old, regardless of the number of children you have.. Childcare leave is capped at 42 days for each parent.. You need to consume your yearly childcare leave entitlement by the end of that year.You cannot carry forward childcare leave meant for one year to the next. I do not want my employer to feel that I am using my child … By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. The good thing is, typically a sick child just needs to sleep! Try this tweak to put yourself first one and for all. One of the most challenging aspects about being a working mom is childcare during the sick times. It's rarely convenient for working parents to stay home with a sick child. I’ll do the morning run-the-non-sick-kids to school routine, then head to work for a half day. I gave him Tylenol and rubbed his back for about 30 minutes and he just would not fall asleep. Forgive yourself. Today is Monday. Add in technology and woah, that’s a whole new ball game. Dealing with a child sick day as a working parent puts your priorities as a parent at odds with your responsibilities as an employee. Updated on March 18, 2011 A.F. He asked Reddit if he was a jerk, and, well, the answer is fairly obvious. Currently, a total of 10 states guarantee working parents the right to use earned sick time to care for their children when they are sick or in need of preventive care such as a yearly doctor’s checkup. This Simple Mindset Shift Can Change Everything, Working Moms, Self-Care Isn't Selfish—It's Essential, New Parents Brag About Their Immaculate, Toy-Free Home. If you are a working mom with a sick kid, here are 3 simple tips for dealing with work and a sick kid: 1. Mail Me: CrAzY Working Mom on Facebook. Talk to Your Boss. After a glass of water and a few episodes of Spongebob, I finally decided at 3:45 a.m. to take his temperature and it was 101.5. Setup an area where you can be near your child and work (if applicable). He is sick. A mom’s recent trip to the salon opened her eyes to the person she wants to be. Well – it’s MONDAY and we all know how MONDAY like to be the bully – the key is just not letting the day win. Pick up the kid, then what? “Mommy, I don’t feel good.” Five simple words that, when strung together by the young children of working moms, have the power to cause the ultimate showdown of work vs. mom. You’ve used all your sick days and vacation days this year, now what?! Good start to a great morning, right? is part of the Working Mother Network, a division of Bonnier Corporation. Some of us, instead of asserting that benefit, go into explanation—and apology—mode. A Bonnier Corporation Company. There are the perks and then there are the downfalls. It’s a job.”. Perhaps the most important decision in a working mom's life is who will take care of her child while she's at work. An executive wellness coach explains the secret to making time for yourself. CHEERS. The teacher runs to get a trash can, I turn him around and he pukes all over the entrance, splashing the poor teacher. Stay an extra hour tomorrow if you have to, but right now soak up the love and affection expressed between you and your sick child. After all, we are responsible adults. I arrive at the daycare to find Zeke, our youngest – laying in the office floor on a mat. Seriously. But more than 70 percent of … Wine. He is staying at home with Zeke the first half of the day. Health insurance, 401ks, vacation time and sick days are all benefits of employment, yet requesting to use a sick day more often feels like a dreaded task. Zeke needs his mom and dad. Some days we get the balancing act right. At this point, I have vomit everywhere – even between my toes *barf*. Up at 7:30, logged on until 8:15 – got the kids fed, dressed and the husband had the kids out the door by 8:45 am. The 6 Questions Working Moms Must Ask Before Quitting, I Don't Believe in Work-Life Balance—Just Intentionally Managing My Time, Amy Schumer, Eva Longoria and More Call on Congress to Pay Moms $2,400 a Month. Welcome to Digital Mom Blog! LOLOL. Awesome Kid Alarm Clocks – Help Wake Your Kids Up, Best Teachers Be Like Memes – For Our Tired Educators, Talking to Your Kids About Martin Luther King Jr. Best Toddler Alarm Clocks 2021 Edition – Perfect for Sleep Training. This Digital Mom Blog community is all about no judgment, lots of laughter, inspiration and support. Standing at the entrance to the daycare– my son starts puking . How will you make up your hours, or will you take off of work? All rights reserved. Sick child, working mom; what’s a girl to do? Asking permission to take a sick day is courteous, but with no backup plan, try not to succumb to pressure to request it, thereby leaving the decision in your boss’s hands. (Monday, you will not defeat me!). “Natalie” is $148,851 deep in student loans for her sick child and is finding it increasingly harder to get by. I am going to try to being non-bias and cover both the good and the bad on this blog, hoping to help another working mom in the same situation. You’re creating memories; be present. This school is good people. The kids’ school is 7 minutes away. He sees me and starts crying. I have a weekly leadership meeting that I have to attend, preferably in person – not on camera (I can just see the video bomb of my kid throwing up.) Working Mother may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. Most working parents have faced the dilemma of a child who comes down with a flu, fever, ear infection or other "minor'' illness that means he or she shouldn't be sent to school or regular child care. Copyright © 2021 Working Mother. When you have a day full of appointments and deadlines, you’re not sure how to manage all that and take care of your child. Thankfully, we pay them well – but no one is ever paid enough to catch a child’s vomit. Also it is complete normal for babies to get sick more frequently the first 18-24 months. Another teacher runs to my rescue and hands me a small bag in case he vomits, and a clean shirt for my son to put on. A recent trip to the salon changed my life. If you have children under 7 years old, find out your eligibility and entitlements for childcare leave and how you can take your leave. Welcome! No, I will not check my email and voicemail. I don’t want him infecting his class, but I have to work. Who can help? If your work can wait, and it usually can, let it. On the one hand, I sympathized. I sat on the bathroom floor working on my laptop as he sat in the bath tub playing with his boat. See you Friday! Be there to love on your child and give him the attention he or she may need. We long to keep our priorities straight. I pick him up, kiss his head and proceed to talk to the teacher about what’s going on. I told the teacher I would be there within 15 minutes, hung up, put my shoes on and ran out the door. Netgear WiFi Range Extender - Extend Your WiFi! Do you ask permission to use your health insurance? When my children were younger we chose to send them to a daycare center instead of using home daycare, babysitters, family/friends, an au pair, or nanny. Staying home to take care of a sick child is just not possible for many of the more than 40 million working people who don't have a single day of sick leave, paid or unpaid, for themselves or to care for a child. Working mothers regularly send children to school sick - because they don't feel able to take time off looking after them, it emerged yesterday. Or, maybe you are hourly and you just can’t afford to take the time off work. Genetics also plays a part. Just like staying at home – there are your good days and there are your bad days. They are still building their immunities. A fashion-forward couple was featured for their toy-free home. We have my mom too which is a Godsend. It is 5 a.m. and I have been up with Johnny for over two hours. When it comes to details on this one, less is more. All of a sudden, what you don’t want to happen, happens. But in a mother-child relationship, the parent does wield an amazing amount of emotional power. And every parent knows how hard it is to have a sick kid (they seem to spike a fever or start projectile vomiting at the most inconvenient times)! A Little Girl Talk A Little Piece of Me An Ordinary Life Are We There Yet Comedy Plus Crunchy Carpets Dayngr Zone Deep Fried Pickles and Ice Doctor Anonymous Echoes of Grace Your future self will thank you for the sick-day memories. That’s why we sprinkle in all the funny memes – laughter is good for the soul (and for me, is like digital therapy! crazy. My 18 month old son has been sick off and on for a month now (and is home sick again today). If you are a working mom with a sick kid, here are 3 simple tips for dealing with work and a sick kid: Make your work aware of the situation. CrAzY Working Mom ~♥~ [Meet The Family] ~♥~ Search This Blog. As hard as having a sick child might be, it’s a bit worse when you are a working mom. Twitter: LOLOL, How Job Sharing Gives Working Moms the Flexibility They Need, Dad Yells at Sitter Because His Toddlers Haven't Perfected Their 'Manners,' 'Speech' and 'Potty Training', Overwhelmed? As working moms, we have to be conscious of the needs of both our children and our jobs. Posted on Published: January 22, 2016 Categories blog, Mom Life, Working Mom. If a child is sick on my day off its me, if we get the call when both my husband or I are working, he comes home, stays home, works there. As if the recent study finding that the children of working mothers are more likely to be obese was not enough… a new study by Dr. Melinda Morrill, a N.C. State economics professor, finds that the children of working mothers suffer from adverse health effects.