In order to learn how to be effective, they must reflect fully on our own values and thinking and assess how they affect our own practice. As I grew up things improved in the north and with the help of my parents explaining the rights and wrongs I calmed down as did my rebel brothers. In doing so, we will be helping to work towards a more inclusive society for all citizens, beginning with our youngest: Why Do We Need to Consider Diversity and Equality Issues in Our Work with Children? While the Irish language may be the dominant language used by the majority within the Gaeltacht area, Irish language speakers in general may be considered a minority grouping within the national context. [1] As a result, it is about embracing all cultures and types of people regardless of their backgrounds. * We ensure that all parents are made aware of our equal opportunities, race equality and diversity policies. Co-ordinate the delivery of any equality and diversity strategy and action plan. Retrieved from, This is just a sample. MISSION STATEMENT AIMS: Barley hill aims to support the growth and development of each individual child providing an integrated, balanced, broad, stimulating and differentiated service. Such teamwork, coordination and communication must be valued, supported and resourced by an appropriate infrastructure at local, regional and national levels. * We welcome all families equally. Review and approve policies, procedures and practices that impact on equal opportunities and diversity practice. Teamwork is a vital component of quality in early childhood care and education. References. The child’s individuality, strengths, rights and needs are central in the provision of quality early childhood experiences. * Standard 5: Interactions Fostering constructive interactions (child/child, child/adult and adult/adult) requires explicit policies, procedures and practice that emphasise the value of process and are based on mutual respect, equal partnership and sensitivity. All staff are expected to participate in equality and inclusion training. Analyse approaches to diversity education including, assimilation, multicultural, intercultural and anti-bias. We respect and value the linguistic, cultural and religious diversity which Exists in the community. * Standard 11: Professional Practice Practicing in a professional manner requires that individuals have skills, knowledge, values and attitudes appropriate to their role and responsibility within the setting. It requires that the individual needs and abilities of each child are recognised and supported from birth towards the realisation of her/his unique potential. How would I feel if they announced to me that they are gay I don’t know? "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. Whilst learning and examining my experiences I realise the amount bias, discrimination, racism, prejudice, pre-prejudice and stereo typing there was in my life. I have done 10 weeks in my work placement whilst taking this module and I have observed the staff in relation to equality and diversity in a discreet way. Hand-in-hand with an emphasis on similarity, a strategy that can deal sensitively with difference is required. I have been guilty of all of the above because of my upbringing and have been subject to some of the above because of my upbringing and my social setting, this I believe is the same for every child starting out in life. In this manual we use both, referring to ‘disabled children’ and ‘a child with a disability’. The walls are painted with characters clowns,pets. Our role: to protect and value all children in the setting, foster empathy and provide accurate information about difference to enable children to think critically about and challenge bias. I feel this should be insisted upon for all childcare workers and to be refreshed every 2 years. | no| Are there any posters pictures relating to Ethnic Minorities?  Be sensitive and attentive to all children, respect their backgrounds, unique qualities and abilities, ensure that the preschool environment reflects the lives of the children and families and the individual and cultural diversity of the broader community, and ensure children’s individual needs are accommodated at the preschool. There is a small area at the side of the toilets not being used, this would allow them to make the end toilet a disabled toilet and fit a larger door. ). * Stimulate discussion about bias and discrimination. Informed by this knowledge practitioners can respond respectfully in their practice to the rich diversity around them. Open, honest and respectful partnership with parents is essential in promoting the best interests of the child. They could advertise in the local papers and when interviewing them if there is anyone from a different culture they could ask them what new ideas they could bring to the setting from their culture. It is known by many names, including disability discrimination, physicalism, handicapism, and disability oppression. The walk up to the setting is up hill and again rough and stony. I feel happy Teacher I am cold. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. Practitioners should observe and listen to children’s play and adult interaction to identify any bias or discrimination, and then develop methods to deal with issues that arise. To achieve this we work in partnership with parents, carer’s and children to provide a safe and secure environment, which enables children to be: * Respectful of themselves and others * Happy and Confident * Independent * Compassionate and Caring * Tolerant and Caring * Curious and Creative * Appreciative and Appreciated OBJECTIVES: * To provide a safe, secure, stimulating environment which embraces all children and values their race, language, gender, age, disability, culture, class and religion. * Generate ideas for discussion at team and network meetings. To maintain a high standard of good practice, policies and procedures must be reviewed A diversity and equality approach involves creating a childcare setting where each child feels a sense of belonging. These guidelines are informed by international agreements and Irish legislation and policy, these include: * The Irish Constitution (1937) (Bunreacht na h’Eireann) * The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) * UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination(1963) * International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) * Employment Equality Acts 1998 and 2004 * Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004 * Disability Act 2005 * National Children’s Strategy 2000 -2010 Children First Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of children (1999) * Child Care Act 1991 * Children Act 2001 * The Official Languages Act 2003 By ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) Ireland committed to:“respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or ther status. Equal opportunities legislation protects the following areas: The Equality and diversity act harmonised many previous pieces of UK equality legislation into one law. Mutual partnership contributes to establishing harmony and continuity between the diverse environments the child experiences in the early years. (2016, Oct 14). How Can We As Practitioners Address Diversity and Equality? It acknowledges the wide range of relationships and experiences within which development takes place and recognises the connections between them. * To value all children as individuals and appreciate their uniqueness * To value parents and carers as the primary educators of the child * To have high expectations of ourselves and the children To ensure that all staff receive appropriate training and maintain high levels of practice * To develop practice which, is based on a philosophy of responsibility towards each other * To experience creativity and imagination through the arts * To recognise children as part of communities, for example, peer groups, families and wider society * To develop a quality service this, meets the needs of parents, carers and children within our area. | no| Recommendations After carrying out my assessment on my work placement I have come up with the following recommendation to improve equality and diversity in this preschool room. Before creating your statement and policy, it’s important to … The child is an active agent in her/his own development through her/his interactions with the world. Under the Act, people with disabilities are entitled to: * Have their health and educational needs assessed. Prejudice The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: i. e. making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case. When beginning this work it is important to identify the backgrounds of all children in the setting; whether largely majority culture or a mix of majority and minority groups. Even thought the colour of my neighbour’s skin wasn’t an issue I thought and knew she was different at a young age I just had it all wrong. [1] It involves the group’s initial reaction or interaction, influencing the individual’s actual behavior towards the group or the group leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making. The importance of equality and diversity in the ECCE setting and personal experiences as a child. Is the premises wheelchair friendly inside and out? Children who feel valued and supported are more likely to be optimistic and learn well. Equal Opportunities Policy and Procedure “The EYFS seeks to provide equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported.” Page 5 of the Statutory Framework for the EYFS 2014 “Providers must follow their legal responsibilities under the Equality … | no| Is staff training in this area encouraged? Responsive, sensitive and reciprocal relationships, which are consistent over time, are essential to the well-being, learning and development of the young child. I in turn was shocked and hoped I would never catch this complaint. My father was a nurse and I went to the convent and the nuns always asked what does your father do , I think they knew the mothers were at the kitchen sink as they never mentioned the poor mothers , when I would reply” he is a nurse” titters and sniggers would fill the classroom . On the wall there is a handmade poster of a tree each child’s name and photograph is on this. Accepting the fact that children as young as three-years old are capable of holding and expressing prejudicial attitudes can be quite difficult, but research shows that this is the case. Examine current legislation on Equality and Diversity, to include Equality Legislation, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Practitioners can guide young children to learn respectfully about differences; understanding and adapting while accepting the common humanity shared by all. When adults are not effective, diversity can be a source of conflict and hurt. Training. We seek out training opportunities for staff and volunteers to enable them to develop anti-discriminatoryand inclusive practices, which enable all children to flourish. Practitioners must also be conscious of multiple identities, for example, a child of mixed cultural heritage, a disabled Traveller or a Black child from a new immigrant community and single parent home. I will examine the role of the adult in promoting children’s individual and group identity and their sense of belonging enabling the child to value uniqueness and difference. Explore equality and diversity terminology; including prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism and abelism etc. | no| Are there books relating to different countries cultures or social settings of a child for example single parent families or grand parents rearing children? Kirklees has developed an Inclusion and Diversity Policy Statementwhich details the following key elements: 1. Sioltas Principles * Early childhood is a significant and distinct time in life that must be nurtured, respected, valued and supported in its own right. Teaming with others interested in furthering this work will enhance the process, as diversity and equality issues can raise surprisingly difficult questions. I know there are many things I wouldn’t have perceived as bias or stereotyping had I not be doing this module. There are also two children with speech difficulties and I find they also become frustrated when asking or trying to get across a single point. There are so many books toys projects and pictures available at the touch of a button every pr-school setting should be able to promote and teach equality and diversity in a simple fun way. Disability Terminology Within the disability sector some prefer to use the phrase ‘people with disabilities’ and some prefer the phrase ‘disabled people’. ” Chrissie O’Sullivan (2001) this first goal helps children develop a strong sense of who they are at individual and group identity levels. Practitioners also require this ability as they play a vital role in enabling children to protect themselves. Stressing similarity is insufficient, as it is unrealistic to assume that it will somehow remove the tendency by children to make distinctions between themselves and those from different backgrounds (racial, ethnic, religious, social, etc. • To ensure our policy and procedures remain effective we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory guidance and review our policies annually to ensure our strategies meet the overall aims to promote equality, inclusion and valuing diversity. I feel afraid. Some children may live with one parent, in both parents’ homes, with gay or lesbian parents, with a foster family, a stepparent, or with an extended family. * I suggest that we make parents aware that we are serious about not permitting children bring their own toys in to the setting as this does cause conflict and it can be avoided , if the children bring in a toy it should be placed in a box in the entrance hall. Find out how to source and/or develop resources and activities. I have enquired the cost for the parking area to be surfaced and marked clearly with a disabled parking place , and have left the details with the supervisor I hope this will be implemented this is so important for a child or and adult with a disability. Investigate the consequences of ignoring equality and diversity issues in the ECCE setting. How to Use the Guidelines The guidelines are in six sections, with each sub-divided for ease of access. siolta. These interactions with, for example, other children, adults, materials, events and ideas, are key to the child’s well-being, development and learning. This is the world we want for our staff, volunteers and the people we help. Children are allowed to bring in their own toys and this causes other children to become uneasy and want the said toy , I recommend that toys that are bought in from home be placed in a box at the entrance door and the child can get it on the way home . Under the Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2004, discrimination in the supply of goods and provision of services is prohibited on nine grounds: * Gender * Marital status * Family status * Sexual orientation * Religious belief * Age * Disability * ‘Race’ * Membership of the Traveller Community. The promotion of child well-being is a characteristic of a quality environment. Disability act 2005 In short, the Disability Act 2005 places a statutory obligation on public service providers to support access to services and facilities for people with disabilities. Commitment. * Pedagogy in early childhood is expressed by curricula or programmes of activities which take a holistic approach to the development and learning of the child and reflect the inseparable nature of care and education. * The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to references and checks by theCriminal Records Bureau. This involves the protection of each child from harmful experiences and the promotion of child welfare. Goal 4: Empowering Children to Stand Up for Themselves and Others in the Face of Bias “I remember when we were at school: we were powerless, subjected to subtle stereotypes and prejudices from teachers and peers. As such, policies should safeguard key qualities in the following core principles[7]: Organisations that fail to uphold the Equality Act 2010 or general rights of children are liable to certain punishments. Role of EYP in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice having knowledge of legislations, policies and procedures in childcare setting Demonstrate equality, diversity and inclusion in the setting Being aware of discriminatory practice in your setting and challenging discrimanatory behaviour Below I will carry out my assessment on my work placement in relation to equality and diversity and make recommendations to improve any issues I find that I believe need to be changed or improved on. I trawled through all the plastic figures and baby dolls and not one black doll was to be found I think this wrong. * The doors of standard size these need to be widened and ramps put in to accommodate any wheel chair or walking aid. The colour of her skin was never an issue and we grew up as close as family. * I advise that the facility make one of their existing toilets a disabled toilet. dcya. The doors of standard size these need to be widened and ramps put in to accommodate any wheel chair or walking aid. However, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS),[3] are responsible for setting standards by providing codes of conduct and promoting good practice. The Equality Act came into force on 1 October 2010 and it aims to provide a simpler, more consistent and more effective legal framework for preventing discrimination. Diversity, when adults are effective, can be a very positive, enriching source of vitality and growth. | yes| Is the dress up corner a welcome corner for each child expressing themselves? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. In a diverse society all children should have equal opportunities for learning and enjoyment in the context of childcare. The world of children is governed by the same values and beliefs that govern the world of adults” Segura-Mora 2002 This goal aims to help adults and children become critical thinkers about bias, giving them the skills to identify what images and behaviours are fair and unfair. Promoting positive diversity Children flourish in environments that promote diversity, equality and inclusion but unfortunately inequality, discrimination and racism are issues that have been continually highlighted across the world, most recently in 2020 with the Black Lives Matter movement. EQUALITY and DIVERSITY The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991) states: “It is the States obligation to protect children from any form of discrimination and to take positive action to promote their rights”. ” Doreen Reynolds (2001) If children are beginning to understand fairness and unfairness, they will need the tools to stand up against injustice. Children choose where they want to be seated themselves and often there is a child and it seems to be the same child left out, the workers then appoint this child a seat as he is on his own, I feel this is unfair and the child goes through this ritual each morning this situation could be avoided by putting names on seats and no child would feel left out. To develop Equality Objective(s) to ensure that the Policy is fully implemented. Learned behaviours in childhood are more likely to carry-over to adulthood, therefore promoting equality at an early age is a must. Equality and Diversity Policy & Procedure 5 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This policy aims for equality of opportunity that is accessible, person-centred, safe and effective to be promoted for people who use our services as part of Sussex Community NHS Trust’s vision of ‘excellent care at the heart of the community’ and for staff .to know Positive and inclusive approach; 2. The act and other diversity laws ensure that children are not discriminated against based on their sexuality or ethnicity. Goal 3: Fostering Each Child’s Critical Thinking about Bias “One of the most powerful lessons that I have learned is that even young children are able to reflect on issues that impact on their identity and their lives. Listen and Act. ” Aim and objectives of the guidelines These guidelines aim to support childcare practitioners, early childhood teachers, managers and policy makers in their exploration, understanding and development of diversity and equality practice. com. Equality and Diversity Legislation in Childcare There are a number of laws that ensure the equality and diversity of children, but the main one is the Equality Act 2010 which came into force in 2012. We now know that young children have an ethnic awareness of cultural identity and they are not only aware of the ethnic group they belong to, but they already attach a value judgment to it (Vandenbroeck, 2000). * Standard 10: Organisation Organising and managing resources effectively requires an agreed written philosophy, supported by clearly communicated policies and procedures to guide and determine practice. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION: RECRUITMENT AND PROMOTION This could be done easily and not cost the earth. Discuss in the team if all cultures are realistically reflected in the environment and if imagery and materials require changes. As with every other phase in life, positive supports and adequate resources are necessary to make the most of this period. In Ireland, early childhood carers and educators have a very important role to play in supporting all children in their developing sense of self. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. * I would advise staff that when parents start their children in the setting that they would discuss if they have any preferences or special requirements for their children for example: religious beliefs, if they would like their child not to participate in the morning prayer then this is ok and the child will not be made feel different or left out. I recommend that admissions policies be in different launguages as this would make the setting more inviting to different cultures if this were done. The development of respect for the environment will also result from such experiences. Inclusion, Equality and Diversity Policy We take great care to provide a secure and accessible environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued. As it stands this establishment would not be suitable for any such situation, out side or inside the pre-school. Equal opportunities policy in childcare must be clear and effective no matter if organisations are situated in public, voluntary or private domains. Design a mission statement for the ECCE setting with respect to equality and diversity. What is diversity, inclusion, and equity? | no| Are there welcome notices in different languages in different languages? The stated aim of the Act is to reform and harmonise discrimination law, and to strengthen the law to support progress on equality. We treat all children and adults as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual. * The physical environment of the young child has a direct impact on her/his well-being, learning and development. The purpose of this policy is to ensure equal opportunities for all workers, job applicants, Service Users and customers, irrespective of characteristics protected under legislation: ethnicity, colour, race, nationality or ethnic origin, marriage or civil partnership, gender or gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, age, religion or belief, disability, and sexual orientation. Reflect on own attitudes, values, beliefs and assumptions and their impact in relation to equality and diversity issues when working with children, families and team members. * Standard 2: Environments Enriching environments, both indoor and outdoor (including materials and equipment) are well maintained, safe, available, accessible, adaptable, developmentally appropriate, and offer a variety of challenging and stimulating experiences. They set the standards for childcare providers to follow in order to ensure children grow up in a diverse environment. The guidelines are for childcare and early childhood: * Practitioners Managers * Teachers * Development workers * Tutors * Course developers * Policy makers These guidelines complement the work of Siolta, the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education (CECDE 2006) and will support the forthcoming Early Childhood Curriculum Framework being prepared by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. It is also sometimes known as disablism, although there is some dispute as to whether ableism and disablism are synonymous, and some people within disability rights circles find the latter term’s use inaccurate. We believe that each child is unique and work in There are a number of laws that ensure the equality and diversity of children, but the main one is the Equality Act 2010 which came into force in 2012. And has the opportunity to form trusting relationships with adults and children key. Their existing toilets a disabled toilet sharing your background or ability can send negative messages and a sense of and... Basic equality rights for children to become comfortable with difference is required 6. Discrimination, physicalism, handicapism, and to be widened and ramps put in to accommodate wheel... * Further understanding as to why diversity and equality issues affect everyone, so we must support levels. 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