----. E) The regular movement of animals during the year is called migration. B) Most of the bird species migrate south for the winter Good Morning respected principal, guest and dear friends. Animals are considered to be protected as long as animals receive minimum amount of suffering. They fly up to 3,000 miles to the Desert animals live without much water and have to depend on the plants that grow… through the underworld at night. I like dogs because they are very loyal. Their great-great-grandchildren return south the following fall. B) Jaguars live in the rain forests and more open countryside in South and        Central America We have evolved from animals and since then, we humans do have a connection with them. What are the main Waste Disposal Methods? Essay on My Pet Animal. A Zoo is a place where many animals and birds live. Each of the five paragraphs below responds, in its own way, to the guidelines in How to Write a … The parrot and the crow are some examples of birds. The animals are so few that they could disappear from the globe if serious action is not taken. Other than being a significant economic resource, the animal has been used to drive happiness and entertainment activities. Pets impact our lives in a positive way, as do work animals or food animals. My Favourite Animal – Essay 2. Animals Diet 2 Pages . Short Paragraph on Save Animals in 100 Words. Essays on Animals. Whether we're describing a person, a place, or a thing, our aim is to reveal a subject through vivid and carefully selected details. Here is your paragraph on Cruelty to Animals ! From domesticated pets to wild animals, no animal is safe from cruelty in the hands of brutality. E) Feathers provide insulation 'for birds, allowing them to maintain a high        body temperature, The jaguar Is sometimes called Americans El Tigre by South and Central Americans. Birds have wings, beaks, and can fly. Composite photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark I like to see how the animals live. There is a specific branch in Science for studying the natural environment. The love of animals is broad and unlimited, but humans continue to abuse their pets and destroy their loyalty. It breast-feeds its young. Piranhas rarely feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. Among the best-known birds are the birds of However, since animals and plants do not speak, we humans abuse them to such a great extent that if they could respond back, we would have suffered much more. The animals that live both on land and in water have moist skin and no scales on body are called amphibians. Animals are subjected to tests that are often painful or cause permanent damage or death, and they are never given the option of not participating in the experiment. Animal testing is wrong and these innocent creatures should not go through this kind of suffering. Research had been carried out by Bancroft and Turchin in year 2003, using a series of experiment with grain beetles, Oryzaephilus surinamensis proved that “6% out of 247 populations went extinction” [3] when they carried out the experiment on the relationship between “habitat fragmentation and decreasing food abundance” [4] and the result shown that these grain beetle… prey, such as hawks, eagles, ospreys, falcons, Animals play an extremely important part in the lives of humans. same trees. Wildlife is considered an important part of this universe. Introduction to wildlife conservation essay: – Wildlife constitutes the animals, birds, insects etc. The mammal is an animal that has warm blood and hairy body. In all respects, animal testing should be banned because it is inhumane, the test results are often not useful, and there are better alternatives for this issue. I have gone to the zoo four times and I have enjoyed being there. Paragraph Completion Exercises: 1 Paragraph Completion Exercises 1 2. Paragraph on Zoo – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids. It has six legs, but no backbone. This is a picture of me with my pet dog Casper. This is why there is an ongoing call, from different advocacy groups and organizations to recognize animal cruelty and stop it from further happening. Original paragraph. Most importantly, domestic animals like dogs and cats are sources of security to man. Their fear of humans makes sense. C) Other butterflies also fly thousands of miles in search of warmth Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas. Animal cruelty happens because there are … A) Birds are warm-blooded animals, with feathers and wings They have their separate lifestyle. Ospreys and many eagles eat Short Paragraph/Speech on “Kindness to Animals” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. However many efforts are being made to reduce the testing to a minimum. People who own pets recommend the same to everyone. But endangered by hunting and encroachments on their natural habitat, many species of wildlife are on the verge of extinction. and hearing. Here is a collection of short essays on the topic – My Favourite Animal. The answer lies behind the curtain. This is wrong because animal rights are essentially about allowing animals to live freely; This is a fundamental right that any creature should naturally enjoy by virtue of being a living being; Paragraph 5: They are amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and insects. Man is a rational animal. talons or claws on their feet, and keen eyesight ----. Paragraph 5 - 250 words. 802 Words | 4 Pages. There are so many species of animals in the world. Animals Paragraphs 3. Animals are an integral part of the natural In fact, human beings are also a form of animals. 1) Dog. The cow, the lion and man are some of the good examples of this type. everything from insects to fish and mammals. The body of an insect has three parts – the head, the thorax and the abdomen. Animals affect everyone’s life, their presence is vital. Such places are hot and to survive their animals need special features that help them keep cool. Food and Food Hygiene 5. The animals having cold blood, scaly body and needing to be in the sun for a long period of time are called reptiles. The word ‘Zoo’ has derived from ‘Zoological Garden’ or ‘Zoological Park’. It is great to have pets around. few months. There is one world inside water. They are essential to human survival. Yet many animals are in the danger of disappearing from the earth. A) Baby swallows and their parents learn each other's voices Descriptive Paragraph About A Animal. But as long as they test the animals humanely, animals can be tortured with pain from the testing. ----. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to flee, not attack. Electronics Paragraphs 6. In the Mayan religion, the sun took the form of a jaguar when traveling Poor Diet Effects on Ferrets . GrammarBank Exercises eBook: $7.99 - Children's eBooks: $6.99 - Download and Print Instantly. They have an entirely different respiratory system. The topic of my speech is Kindness to animals. I think they are fascinating. Animals have shown their love throughout history to humans and we have shown ours. We might don’t see any direct connection between agriculture and animals. Deserts are a dry place where there is very less rain. Your first draft, or "rough draft" of your … I like to see them but I have never had a pet because I think that they need much care. E) Long ago, they called it Yaguara, the "cat that kills with a single spring", Monarch butterflies travel long distances to One of the main factor of animal extinction is habitat fragmentation, loss or in another word habitat loss. I love to pet dogs and move my hand through their soft fur. Both names convey the awe and reverence this largest New World cat inspires. General Human Health 7. Kindness to Animals. Animals have a huge importance in our nature. Paragraph 1 - 100 Words. We may not realize how much impact animals have on our lives. Dissimilar to most creatures, ferrets have extraordinary dietary needs that must be given consistently to keep up legitimate wellbeing and anticipate different restorative conditions. For these exercises, complete the paragraphs with the most appropriate sentences so that the paragraph flow is not broken. What is Fresh Water and How can we conserve it? My favorite animal is the giraffe. The two most common examples of reptiles are the snake and the crocodile. A) Jaguars are closely related to lions, tigers, and leopards D) Jaguars are strong swimmers and climbers, and they often prefer to live        by rivers Nature created a balance for animals, microbes, coral reefs, and other living organisms. The entire animal world may be classified into five types. This world contains many animals and plants. Fitness and Exercising 8. Their respiratory system has provision to breathe inside water but not on the ground […] My favourite animal is dog. C) Their long wing feathers also help them to get the lift necessary for        flight stay warm. A Zoo is a place where some rare animals and birds live. Animal Pictures and Facts Learn all you wanted to know about animals with pictures, videos, facts, news, and more. Importance of animals ranges from companionship to food source and it varies by person. Write a Paragraph about Animals or the Environment. Animal Cruelty Around the world, in so many contexts, animal cruelty continues to happen. Writing Your Report Write a rough draft of your report. Their gold coat spangled with black rosettes was said to be the stars of night. The animals that live both on land and in water have moist skin and no scales on body are called amphibians. Nature Paragraphs 4. These animals are called as aquatic animals. There are various species in nature. Why do humans demolish animals ' lives? Animals have been man`s best pals and they would understand you so well that you won`t even have to say what you want or feel. Essay on Animals: The presence of animals is essential because it maintains the balance in the ecosystem. C) They are known to be the largest members of the cat family there It is the reason why life is there on earth. People around the world are fond of keeping pet animals. and owls. They are amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and insects. D) So individual monarchs only make the round-trip once Relationship between humans and animals Domestic and wild animals have long been an integral part of human culture. Animal testing has helped us for years discover cures for sickness in humans and sometimes even animals. fish, falcons eat mostly insects, and owls eat However, their life span is only a The purpose of descriptive writing is to make our readers see, feel, and hear what we have seen, felt, and heard. Water Conservation: Meaning, Importance, Methods, Ozone Layer Depletion: Meaning, Causes, Effects. same winter roosts, sometimes to the exact They have hooked beaks, strong Nature is important for all of us. Yet animals' rights are violated when they are used in research because they are not given a choice. The curtain in which animal abusers lie behind. It can also fly like the bird. God created all living creatures on earth with the same feelings. that are found in their natural habitat. While most people stick to dogs and cats, many break this convention and go for rabbits, turtles, snakes, monkeys, horses and what not. The … Regan further says, for example, that 'animal [experimentation] is morally wrong no matter how much … Animal Testing Essay 629 words 3 page (s) Introduction: Animal testing is one of the most important and hotly debated themes related to both medicine and ethics. A dog is a loving companion for life. Topics: Biodiversity, Biodiversity Action Plan, Conservation, Conservation biology, Conservation reliant species, Endangered Species Act, Extinction, Hunting, Rare species, Species. So animal testing should be legalized in order to save more human lives. As it is closely connected with two independent spheres of human life, there exist plenty of opinions either supporting or opposing animal testing. Engineer’s Day in India: Origin, Significance, Celebrations, Short Paragraph on Saka Calendar – Indian National Calendar, Short Paragraph on Indian National Anthem (Jana Gana Mana), Short Biography of Devendra Nath Tagore in 120 words, WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY ESSAY, Mauryan Administration System (Mauryan Government), Short Paragraph on Importance of Good Health, Top 21 Motivational Quotes About Strength, Sai Baba Teaching’s : Whosoever is destined…. B) Unlike mammals, except for the duck-billed platypus, birds lay eggs 2.3 Animal testing is helpful for studying the effects of substances. Animals lack the sense of judgment, thus human lives always come first before animal lives. The toad and the frog are the two good examples of amphibians. Paragraph 4: Human rights opponents may argue that animals do not deserve rights because rights should be accompanied by responsibilities. I love them. D) The larger hawks and eagles prey on small mammals, such as rodents The feeling of pain, happiness, anger, depression etc. They live in an enclosed area which works as a display for its visitors. Bees and mosquitoes are called insects. Why do people do this? Sitemap    |    Contact    |    Privacy    |    What's New    |     Copyright © GrammarBank.com 2011-2021 All Rights Reserved. We know a lot about the domesticated animals like dogs, cats, horses, cattle, elephants, pigs, hens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, ponies, mules, yaks, camels, llamas, ostriches, reindeers etc. Desert animals are the animals that are adapted to living in deserts. Essay on the Introduction to Wildlife: Wildlife comprises all living organisms (plants, animals, … is the same for all. These animals live completely different from normal living beings. These animals and birds get the best treatment.