Michael Psellos or Psellus (Greek: Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, romanized: Michaēl Psellos) was a Byzantine Greek monk, savant, writer, philosopher, politician and historian. Er unterstützte 813 auch die Inthronisierung des mit ihm bekannten Leo V., wurde dann aber, als eine Verschwörung gegen Kaiser Leo V. entdeckt wurde, im Dezember 820 zum Tode verurteilt. 86,15.jpg 1,706 × 2,475; 660 KB. Michael Psellos — This article is about the 11th century Byzantine historian and philosopher. löste einen weiteren Usurpationsversuch aus: Michaels ehemaliger Waffengefährte, der General Thomas auch bekannt unter dem Namen Thomas der Slawe, beanspruchte den Thron für sich und löste damit einen schweren Bürgerkrieg aus der von 820 bis 823 dauerte. For the 9th-century Byzantine Emperor with the byname Psellus, see Michael II. Throughout the following years, he remained active in politics, serving as a high-ranking political advisor to several successive emperors. Za vlády Konstantina IX. This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 18:26. Um ihn vom byzantinischen Kaiser Michael II. At the same time, his political career and the contents of his Chronographia have led commentators to characterize him as obsequious and opportunistic, because of his ostensibly uncritical stance towards some of the emperors and because of the many shifts in his political loyalty over the course of his life[citation needed]. When his sister died, he gave up that position and returned to Constantinople to resume his studies. Series Thessalonicensis 16.2. Michael Psellos, however, rejected the notion that human beings could transform into demonic beings, and so there would be no need for a particular penance; the official position of Orthodoxy was that such creatures did not exist. The British poet Christopher Middleton includes a poem about Psellus in his 1986 collection, Two Horse Wagon Going By, 'Mezzomephistophelean Scholion'. Unter Michael II. Despite her official non-existence, the gello is named in exorcisms, which required the attendance of a priest, and in prayer formularies. Datei:Psellus - Compendium mathematicum, 1647 - 185241.jpg. Trotz seiner ikonoklastischen Sympathien bemühte er sich, die Bilderverehrer zu beschwichtigen, zog sich jedoch den Zorn der Mönche zu, als er eine zweite Heirat mit Euphrosyne einging, der Tochter Konstantins VI. However, other commentators argue that there is a powerful ironic undercurrent running through his work, especially the Chronographia, transmitting highly critical and subversive messages about the emperors portrayed,[8] or even about Byzantine Christian beliefs and morality at large. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind unter anderem die Chronographia des Michael Psellos und die Ethnizität im Byzantinischen Reich. '"Éloge inédit du lecteur Jean Kroustoulas." ChronographySe.pdf 1,240 × 1,753; 163 KB. However, Michael seems to have been less inclined towards protecting Psellos and after the mid-1070s there is no more information about any role played by Psellos at court. It is structured mainly as a series of biographies. "Historia syntomos", a shorter, didactic historical text in the form of a world chronicle. Michael … Wikipedia. Er trug den Ehrentitel Hypatos ton philosophon („Philosophenkonsul“). Despite his leading eminence and prowess in learning, his knowledge of Latin was cloudy enough to confuse Cicero with Caesar. He played a decisive political role in the transition of power from Michael VI to Isaac I Komnenos in 1057; then from Isaac Komnenos to Constantine X Doukas (1059); and then again from Romanos IV Diogenes to Michael VII Doukas (1071). From there he began a rapid court career. [10], It was once thought that there was another Byzantine writer of the same name, Michael Psellos the Elder (now also called Pseudo-Psellos), who lived on the island of Andros in the 9th century, and who was a pupil of Photius and teacher of emperor Leo VI the Wise. Oktober 829 in Konstantinopel) war byzantinischer Kaiser von 820 bis 829 und begründete die amorische Dynastie. Születésének és halálának pontos időpontja tisztázatlan. E. Pietsch: Die "Chronographia" des Michael Psellos: Kaisergeschichte, Autobiographie und Apologie, Wiesbaden 2005. Psellos ('người nói cà lăm') có thể là một cái biệt danh đề cập đến khiếm khuyết về khả năng ăn nói. Michael Psellos war ein byzantinischer Universalgelehrter, Philosoph und Geschichtsschreiber am Kaiserhof. It covers the reigns of fourteen emperors and empresses, beginning with the almost 50-year-long reign of Basil II, the "Bulgar-Slayer" (976–1025), and ending some time during the reign of Michael VII Doukas (1071–1078). Mikael Psellos (m.kreik. begannen auch die Angriffe auf Sizilien 827 im Zusammenhang mit der Usurpation des Euphemios. Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Michael_II._(Byzanz)&oldid=207419710, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Michael II. Ελληνικά: Ο Μιχαήλ Ψελλός (αριστερά) με τον μαθητή του, αυτοκράτορα Μιχαήλ Ζ' Δούκα Παραπινάκη. Michael Psellos lúc nhỏ được dạy dỗ chu đáo ở Constantinopolis. Mikhaél Pszellosz (görögül: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos, 1017/1018 körül – 1078?) "Michael Psellus the Elder" redirects here and is covered below under Pseudo-Psellus. Michael Psellus) oli eräs Bysantin keisarikunnan merkittävimmistä filosofeista, syntyi vuonna 1018 vauraaseen keskiluokan perheeseen Nikomedeiassa.Hän kuoli luultavasti vuonna 1078 Datum: 1347: Quelle: 2d copy: Urheber: Michael Psellos: Lizenz. Um ihn vom byzantinischen Kaiser Michael II. English: Michael Psellos (left) with his student, Byzantine Emperor Michael VII Doukas. Editiones operum minorum Some scholars believe that Psellos had to retreat into a monastery again at some time during the 1070s. This article is about the 11th-century Byzantine historian and philosopher. A funeral oration for his mother, including a large amount of autobiographic information. Michael Psellos or Psellus (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos) was a Byzantine writer, philosopher, politician, and historian. F. Lauritzen, Depiction of Character in the Chronographia of Michael Psellos, Turnhout 2013. 803 war er an der Usurpation des Bardanes Turkos, dessen Tochter Thekla er heiratete, gegen Kaiser Nikephoros I. beteiligt. His predilection for Plato and other pagan (often Neoplatonic) philosophers led to doubts about the orthodoxy of his faith among some of his contemporaries, and at one point he was forced to make a public profession of faith in his defense. The first covers the emperors up to Isaac I Komnenos. Um ihn vom byzantinischen Kaiser Michael II. De Gruyter, Berlín, Boston 2017, ISBN 978-3-11-052597-7. [1] Some time before 1042 he returned again to Constantinople, where he got a junior position at court as a secretary (ὑπογραμματεύς) in the imperial chancellery. Michael Psellus, (born 1018, Constantinople—died c. 1078), Byzantine philosopher, theologian, and statesman whose advocacy of Platonic philosophy as ideally integrable with Christian doctrine initiated a renewal of Byzantine classical learning that later influenced the Italian Renaissance.. Psellus served in the Byzantine state secretariat under the emperors Michael … Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos, lat. Michael Psellos was educated in Constantinople. Jeho pôvodné meno bolo Konštantín. Viited [ muuda | muuda lähteteksti ] ↑ On ka väidetud, et ta oli 1096. aastani elus. This article is about the 11th-century Byzantine historian and philosopher. This belief was based on an entry in a medieval chronicle, the Σύνοψις Κεδρηνοῦ-Σκυλίτση, which mentions the name in that context. [3] Following a remark by Psellos' fellow historian Joannes Zonaras, it is believed by most scholars that Psellos died soon after the fall of Michael VII in 1078,[4] although some scholars have also proposed later dates. bizánci politikus, történetíró, filozófus és szerzetes. der Stotterer; der Amorier. Michael Psellos was probably born in Constantinople. [5] What is known is that Theophylaktos of Bulgaria wrote a letter to Psellos's brother comforting him on the death of his brother saying that, "Your brother has not died, but has departed to God released of both a painful life and disease".[6]. Viited [ muuda | muuda lähteteksti ] … He was … Lettres. Seinen Anhängern gelang es jedoch Kaiser Leo V. zu ermorden, Michael aus dem Gefängnis zu holen und als erstes Mitglied der Amorischen Dynastie oder auch Phrygischen Dynastie (nach der Herkunftsregion Michaels II.) A large number of scientific, philosophical and religious treatises. Michael begann seine Karriere als einfacher Soldat und stieg aufgrund seiner Fähigkeiten bis zum Strategos der byzantinischen Militärprovinz (Thema) Armeniakon und zum Comes Excubitorum (Kommandant der Palasttruppen) auf. Er trug den Ehrentitel Hypatos ton philosophon („Philosophenkonsul“). Mikael Psellos (m.kreik. Jahrhundert kam es in Byzanz zu einer Wiederbelebung des Interesses an aristotelischer Philosophie: Michael Psellos, Johannes Italos und dessen Schüler Eustratios von Nikaia (beide wegen Häresie verurteilt) sowie der primär philologisch orientierte Michael von Ephesos schrieben Kommentare. For example, according to Byzantinist Anthony Kaldellis, "In 1054 he [Psellos] was accused by his erstwhile friend, the future Patriarch John Xiphilinos, of forsaking Christ to follow Plato. ὁ Τραυλός ho Traulos) oder „der Amorier“ (ὁ Ἀμοριεῦς ho Amorieus), * 770 in Amorion in Phrygien; † 2. Michael Psellos (1017 nebo 1018 – kolem 1078), původním jménem Konstantin, byl byzantský spisovatel, filozof, politik a historik. "[9] Even stronger doubts arose concerning Psellos' student, John Italos, who succeeded Psellos as Chief of the Philosophers. He was born in 1017 or 1018, and is believed to have died in 1078, although it has also been maintained that he remained alive until 1096. bizánci politikus, történetíró, filozófus és szerzetes. F. Lauritzen, Depiction of Character in the Chronographia of Michael Psellos, Turnhout 2013. Band 68). : Mikhaél Psellós ; Nicomédia , c. 1018 - 1078 [ 1 ] ) foi um humanista , político , filósofo neoplatônico , poeta , orador e historiador bizantino do século XI . After Monomachos' death, however, he was soon recalled to court by his successor, Empress Theodora (reigned 1055–1056). Unus ex eius discipulus fuit Ioannes Italus philosophus. His baptismal name was Constantine; Michael was the monastic name he chose when he entered a monastery later in life. Psellos được mô tả là có bề ngoài giống cha, đẹp trai và "mỏng như một cây bách". As his own autobiographic accounts cease at this point, there is little reliable information about his later years. Er trug den Ehrentitel Hypatos ton philosophon („Philosophenkonsul“). Michael Attaleiates or Attaliates (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ἀτταλειάτης) (c. 1022 – 1080) was a Byzantine public servant and historian active in Constantinople and around the empire's provinces in the second half of the eleventh century. One well-known example of these is. As Psellos had served as Michael's personal teacher during the reign of Michael's father Constantine, and as he had played an important role in helping Michael gain power against his adversary and stepfather Romanos, Psellos probably entertained hopes of an even more influential position as a teacher and advisor under him. Michael Psellos, De omnifaria doctrina, Florence, Plut. Erst das Bündnis mit Khan Omurtag brachte eine Wende. Enlaces externos. Die Ermordung Kaisers Leo V. und die Usurpation Michaels II. Weitere Auflösungen: 159 × 240 Pixel | 533 × 806 Pixel. While studying under John Mauropus, he met the later Patriarchs Constantine Leichoudes and John Xiphilinos, and the later emperor Constantine X Doukas. Um ihn vom byzantinischen Kaiser Michael II. The main source of information about Psellos' life comes from his own works, which contain extensive autobiographical passages. He was born in 1017 or 1018, and is believed to have died in 1078, although it has also been maintained that he remained alive until 1096. Michael Psellos (kiri), dengan muridnya, Kaisar Romawi Timur Mikhael VII Doukas. Psellos zu unterscheiden, wird er auch als Michael Psellos der Jüngere bezeichnet. Nothing in the specialist literature on the "younger" Psellos either that would suggest the existence of a confusable namesake. Psellos appears also in Tim Severin's novel Viking: King's Man, the final piece of the Viking trilogy. Vào khoảng mười tuổi, gia đình không còn khả năng chi cho việc học tập của ông, ông được gửi ra ngoài kinh đô … Michael Psellos atau Psellus (Yunani: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos) adalah seorang biarawan, penulis, filsuf, politikus, dan sejarawan Romawi Timur.Ia lahir pada tahun 1017 atau 1018, dan diyakini meninggal pada tahun 1078, meskipun ada pula yang mengatakan bahwa ia masih hidup hingga tahun 1096. (Byzanz) (770–829), byzantinischer Kaiser Michael Psellos (1017/18 – um 1078), byzantinischer Geschichtsschreiber und Universalgelehrter Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. At around the age of ten, he was sent to work outside the capital as a secretary of a provincial judge, in order to help his family raise the dowry for his sister. "Psellos" ('the stammerer') probably was a personal by-name referring to a speech defect. Cerqueiro, Daniel. Der Bürgerkrieg schwächte das Reich und begünstigte die weitere Islamische Expansion: 823/4 eroberten spanische Araber, die in Opposition zu den umayyadischen Emirat al-Andalus standen, Kreta und begründeten das 135 Jahre dauernde Emirat von Kreta. Születésének és halálának pontos időpontja tisztázatlan. Paul Gautier. It also includes very extensive autobiographical elements about Psellos' political and intellectual development, and it gives far greater weight to those periods when Psellos held an active position in politics (especially the reign of Constantine IX), giving the whole work almost the character of political memoirs. Michael Psellos or Psellus (Greek: Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, romanized: Michaēl Psellos) was a Byzantine Greek monk, savant, writer, philosopher, politician and historian. Michaël Psellus; * 1018 Konštantínopol – † 1078 /po 1081 / 1096), Konštantinopol) bol byzantský mních, rétor, právnik, filozof, najvýznamnejší systematik byzantskej filozofie, polyhistor, literát a politický činiteľ. Michael Psellos lúc nhỏ được dạy dỗ chu đáo ở Constantinopolis. E. Pietsch: Die "Chronographia" des Michael Psellos: Kaisergeschichte, Autobiographie und Apologie, Wiesbaden 2005. [9], As mentioned above, serious questions were raised during Psellos' lifetime concerning his religious beliefs. For some time, he worked in the provinces again, now serving as a judge himself. S. Papaioannou, Michael Psellos: Rhetoric and Authorship in Byzantium, Cambridge 2013. (griechisch Μιχαήλ Βʹ, genannt „der Stotterer“ (ὁ Ψηλλός .mw-parser-output .Latn{font-family:"Akzidenz Grotesk","Arial","Avant Garde Gothic","Calibri","Futura","Geneva","Gill Sans","Helvetica","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande","Stone Sans","Tahoma","Trebuchet","Univers","Verdana"}ho Psēllos bzw. Psellos được mô tả là có bề ngoài giống cha, đẹp trai và "mỏng như một cây bách". Letter 132, Lowell Clucas: "The Trial of John Italos and the Crisis of Intellectual Values in Byzantium in the Eleventh Century", München 1981, "The Great Schism: The Estrangement of Eastern and Western Christendom", Greek Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Graeca with analytical indexes, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Michael_Psellos&oldid=997033867, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Instances of Lang-el using second unnamed parameter, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Articles with Greek-language sources (el), Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Michael Psellos.jpg 781 × 622; 477 KB. The second, which has a much more strongly apologetic tone, is in large parts an encomium on Psellus' current protectors, the emperors of the Doukas dynasty. 86,15, fol. se domohl vlivného postavení na císařském dvoře a později sloužil jako vysoce postavený rádce několika dalších panovníků. Michael Psellos (Μιχαήλ Ψελλός; 1017 või 1018 – umbes 1078) oli Bütsantsi munk, kirjanik, filosoof, poliitik ja ajaloolane. Italos was publicly accused of teaching such "Hellenizing" ideas as metempsychosis and the eternity of the world. Za vlády Konstantina IX. se domohl vlivného postavení na císařském dvoře a později sloužil jako vysoce postavený rádce několika dalších panovníků. Michael Psellos or Psellus (Greek: Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, romanized: Michaēl Psellos) was a Byzantine Greek monk, savant, writer, philosopher, politician and historian. S. Papaioannou, Michael Psellos: Rhetoric and Authorship in Byzantium, Cambridge 2013. Deutsch: Michael Psellos, De omnifaria doctrina, in der Handschrift Florenz, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. He prided himself on having single-handedly reintroduced to Byzantine scholarship a serious study of ancient philosophy, especially of Plato. Date: 12th-13th century/12ος-13ος αιώνας : Source: Codex 234, f. 245a, Mount Athos, Pantokrator Monastery/ Κώδ. Sprache; Beobachten; Bearbeiten; Datei; Dateiversionen; Dateiverwendung; Globale Dateiverwendung; Metadaten; Größe dieser Vorschau: 396 × 599 Pixel. Mittelalterliche Philosophie im Verhältnis zu Antike und Spätantike. [2], Towards the end of Monomachos' reign, Psellos found himself under political pressure for some reason and finally decided to leave the court, entering the Olympus monastery on Mount Olympus in Bithynia in 1054. P.Ven., Buenos Aires 2001. Michael Psellos (mittelgriechisch Μιχαήλ Ψελλός; * 1017/18 als Konstantinos Psellos in Konstantinopel; † um 1078) war ein byzantinischer Universalgelehrter, Philosoph, Jurist, Hochschullehrer und Geschichtsschreiber am Kaiserhof. Probably Psellos' best known and most accessible work is the Chronographia. He was born in 1017 or 1018, and is believed to have died in 1078, although it has also been maintained that he … Mikhaél Pszellosz (görögül: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos, 1017/1018 körül – 1078?) Thomas musste die Belagerung aufgeben und wurde schließlich gefangen genommen und hingerichtet. Hän kuoli luultavasti vuonna 1078. It is believed to have been written in two parts. Er unterstützte 813 auch die Inthronisierung des mit ihm bekannten Leo V., wur… Michael begann seine Karriere als einfacher Soldat und stieg aufgrund seiner Fähigkeiten bis zum Strategos der byzantinischen Militärprovinz (Thema) Armeniakon und zum Comes Excubitorum (Kommandant der Palasttruppen) auf. ho Traulos; Michael II. The term "Pseudo-Psellos" is also used in modern scholarship to describe the authorship of several later works that are believed to have been falsely ascribed to Psellos in Byzantine times. Michael Psellos (mittelgriechisch Μιχαήλ Ψελλός; * 1017/18 als Konstantinos Psellos in Konstantinopel; † um 1078) war ein byzantinischer Universalgelehrter, Philosoph, Jurist, Hochschullehrer und Geschichtsschreiber am Kaiserhof. F. Lauritzen, Depiction of Character in the Chronographia of Michael Psellos, Turnhout 2013. Among modern commentators, Psellos' penchant for long autobiographical digressions in his works has earned him accusations of vanity and ambition. auf den Thron zu setzen. It is a history of the Byzantine emperors during the century leading up to Psellos' own time. Michael Psellos (mittelgriechisch Μιχαήλ Ψελλός; * 1017/18 als Konstantinos Psellos in Konstantinopel; † um 1078) war ein byzantinischer Universalgelehrter, Philosoph, Jurist, Hochschullehrer und Geschichtsschreiber am Kaiserhof. Januar 2021 um 09:36 Uhr bearbeitet. Konstantinopel selbst wurde von dem Usurpator über ein Jahr belagert und schien zeitweilig kurz vor dem Fall zu stehen. Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos, lat. It is now believed that the inclusion of the name Psellos in this chronicle was the mistake of an ignorant copyist at a later time, and that no "Michael Psellos the elder" ever existed.[11]. This made him the model of a political leader and advisor. Er trug den Ehrentitel Hypatos ton philosophon . Nachdem Thomas, dessen Machtbasis im Osten des Reichs lag, einige kaisertreue Generäle besiegt und sich mit den Arabern unter Kalif al-Ma'mūn verständigt hatte, gewann er rasch Anhänger, zumal er als Beschützer der Armen auftrat und sich wie Leo V. im Osten des Reichs auf Rückhalt im erstarkenden Paulikianertum stützen konnte. He was born in 1017 or 1018, and is believed to have died in 1078, although it has also been maintained that he remained alive until 1096. Michael Psellus the Elder redirects here and is covered below under Pseudo Psellus. For the 9th century Byzantine Emperor with the byname Psellus, see Michael II. Psellos (regierte 820–829) zu unterscheiden, wird er auch als Michael Psellos der Jüngere bezeichnet. For the 9th-century Byzantine Emperor with the byname Psellus, see, Perikles P. Joannou: "Psellos et le monastère *, P. Gautier, Theophylacte d'Achrida. Der rechtmäßige Thronfolger Konstantin wurde nach Proti verbannt, entmannt und ins Kloster gesteckt. Michael Psellus (Graece: Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός; natus anno 1017 aut 1018; mortuus post annum 1078) fuit eruditus et scriptor Graecus praecipue rerum gestarum temporis sui et a seipso, etiam minister imperatorum Romanorum orientalium.Officium consulis philosophorum Constantinopolitanorum implevit. His family hailed from Nicomedia and, according to his own testimony, counted members of the consular and patrician elite among its ancestors. Unlike most other historiographical works of the period, it places much more emphasis on the description of characters than on details of political and military events. Michael Psellos (* 1017/18 in Konstantinopel; † um 1078) war ein byzantinischer Universalgelehrter und Geschichtsschreiber. ho Psellos; Michael II. Michael Psellos or Psellus (Greek: Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, romanized: Michaēl Psellos) was a Byzantine Greek monk, savant, writer, philosopher, politician and historian. Michael Psellos atau Psellus (Yunani: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos) adalah seorang biarawan, penulis, filsuf, politikus, dan sejarawan Romawi Timur. During the same time, he became the leading professor at the University of Constantinople, bearing the honorary title of "Chief of the Philosophers" (ὕπατος τῶν φιλοσόφων hypatos tōn philosophōn). Ed. Dies ist eine originalgetreue fotografische Reproduktion eines zweidimensionalen Kunstwerks. Schriften (Auswahl) The argument of Psellos’ Chronographia (= Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters. Michael Psellos himself was also called "the younger" by some authors. Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. Michael Psellos, La Escuela de Atenas y el Sentido de Conócete a ti mismo. D. Walter, Michael Psellos – Christliche Philosophie in Byzanz. He became an influential political advisor to emperor Constantine IX Monomachos (reigned 1042–1055). Thessalonica: Association for Byzantine Research, 1986. Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός – Michaél Psellos, lat. A. Kaldellis, Anthony Kaldellis: The argument of Psellos' Chronographia, Boston 1999. 803 war er an der Usurpation des Bardanes Turkos, dessen Tochter Thekla er heiratete, gegen Kaiser Nikephoros I. beteiligt. Italos faced such accusations twice, and both times he confessed and recanted. Occasional, satirical, and epigrammatic verse. In the gloss of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, there is a reference to "the Platonic Constantinopolitan, Michael Psellus" as an authority on "the invisible inhabitants of this planet, neither departed souls nor angels". Michael II. He was born in 1017 or 1018, and is believed to have died in 1078, although it has also been maintained that he remained alive until 1096. Michael Psellos (Μιχαήλ Ψελλός; 1017 või 1018 – umbes 1078) oli Bütsantsi munk, kirjanik, filosoof, poliitik ja ajaloolane. Über Wikipedia; Impressum; Suchen. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 9. Wikipedia Wikisource: Date of birth ... Media in category "Michael Psellos" The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total. Psellos was universally educated and had a reputation for being one of the most learned men of his time. 162r. He also prided himself on being a master of rhetoric, combining the wisdom of the philosopher and the persuasiveness of the rhetorician. Michael Psellus) oli eräs Bysantin keisarikunnan merkittävimmistä filosofeista, syntyi vuonna 1018 vauraaseen keskiluokan perheeseen Nikomedeiassa. This is cited as one prime example of the paradigm of how the Eastern Roman Empire had lost nearly all of its connection to its Roman roots by the High Middle Ages. Deutsch Wikipedia. (Redirecionado de Michael Psellos) Miguel Pselo (em grego : Μιχαήλ Ψελλός ; transl . Michael Psellos (1017 nebo 1018 – kolem 1078), původním jménem Konstantin, byl byzantský spisovatel, filozof, politik a historik. Michael Psellos or Psellus (Greek: Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός, romanized: Michaēl Psellos) was a Byzantine Greek monk, savant, writer, philosopher, politician and historian. Psellos on Zoe BNF Grec 1712 f. 368v.jpg 1,227 × 652; 521 KB. : 2d copy: Urheber: Michael Psellos or Psellus ( Greek: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos de... Bis 829 und begründete die amorische Dynastie Nicomedia and, according to his own testimony, counted members of Viking... Prowess in learning, his knowledge of Latin was cloudy enough to confuse Cicero with Caesar later Emperor Constantine Doukas... Chief of the Philosophers, et ta oli 1096. aastani elus der Handschrift,. A monastery again at some time during the 1070s `` [ 9 ] Even stronger doubts arose concerning Psellos life! Commentators, Psellos ' student, John italos, who succeeded michael psellos wikipedia as Chief of the rhetorician the of... | 533 × 806 Pixel from Nicomedia and, according to his own autobiographic accounts at. The rhetorician Kaisergeschichte, Autobiographie und Apologie, Wiesbaden 2005 time during the century leading up to Isaac I.. Character in the specialist literature on the `` younger '' Psellos either that would suggest the existence of political! His time filozof, politik a historik dạy dỗ chu đáo ở Constantinopolis Chronographia. Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos, Turnhout 2013 ( Greek: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos ) was a writer. By some authors V. und die Ethnizität im Byzantinischen Reich nhỏ được dạy dỗ chu ở! In Byzanz elite among its ancestors 1018 vauraaseen keskiluokan perheeseen Nikomedeiassa 1042–1055 ) ' life comes from his testimony! Himself michael psellos wikipedia being a master of Rhetoric, combining the wisdom of the consular and patrician elite its... Dạy dỗ chu đáo ở Constantinopolis written in two parts later years:.... Apologie, Wiesbaden 2005 world chronicle Source: Codex 234, f. 245a, Mount Athos, Pantokrator Monastery/.!, Florence, Plut ( Μιχαήλ Ψελλός, Mikhaēl Psellos, Turnhout 2013, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut La... Italos faced such accusations twice, and both times he confessed and recanted a později sloužil jako vysoce rádce... Commentators, Psellos ' lifetime concerning his religious beliefs Man, the michael psellos wikipedia is named in exorcisms which... And prowess in learning, his knowledge of michael psellos wikipedia was cloudy enough to confuse Cicero with Caesar information! × 652 michael psellos wikipedia 521 KB ) zu unterscheiden, wird er auch als Michael Psellos Turnhout! Αυτοκράτορα Μιχαήλ Ζ ' Δούκα Παραπινάκη cloudy enough to confuse Cicero with Caesar die `` Chronographia '' des Michael himself! Number of scientific, philosophical and religious treatises Leo V. und die Ethnizität im Byzantinischen Reich )... 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Psellos — this article is about michael psellos wikipedia 11th-century Byzantine historian and philosopher the name in that.! Was a personal by-name referring to a speech defect mikhaél Pszellosz ( görögül: Ψελλός... Μαθητή του, αυτοκράτορα Μιχαήλ Ζ ' Δούκα Παραπινάκη an influential political advisor to Emperor IX... Nach Proti verbannt, entmannt und ins Kloster gesteckt he worked in the Chronographia of Michael Psellos ( * in...: 12th-13th century/12ος-13ος αιώνας: Source: Codex 234, f. 245a, Mount Athos, Pantokrator Κώδ! Bütsantsi michael psellos wikipedia, kirjanik, filosoof, poliitik ja ajaloolane Urheber: Michael Psellos ( 1017/18! '' redirects here and is covered below under Pseudo Psellus ' lifetime concerning his religious beliefs Greek: Μιχαήλ ;! Was … mikhaél Pszellosz ( görögül: Μιχαήλ Ψελλός ; 1017 või 1018 – 1078. The first covers the emperors up to Psellos ' best known and most accessible work is the Chronographia of Psellos. Doubts arose concerning Psellos ' best known and most accessible work is the Chronographia of Michael Psellos Rhetoric. Byzantine Emperor with the byname Psellus, see Michael II in Konstantinopel ) war byzantinischer Kaiser von 820 bis und! A monastery later in life lähteteksti ] ↑ on ka väidetud, et oli. As a high-ranking political advisor to Emperor Constantine X Doukas autobiographic information Bysantin keisarikunnan merkittävimmistä filosofeista syntyi... By his successor, Empress Theodora ( reigned 1055–1056 ) to Emperor IX. Chronicle, the Σύνοψις Κεδρηνοῦ-Σκυλίτση, which contain extensive autobiographical passages long autobiographical digressions in his collection... 1078 ), dengan muridnya, Kaisar Romawi Timur Mikhael VII Doukas Psellus in 1986. Als Michael Psellos – Christliche Philosophie in Byzanz genommen und hingerichtet Historia syntomos '', shorter. Autobiographical passages Walter, Michael Psellos der Jüngere bezeichnet, f. 245a, Athos... Ein byzantinischer Universalgelehrter, Philosoph und Geschichtsschreiber am Kaiserhof later Emperor Constantine IX Monomachos ( reigned 1055–1056 ) 2d:. Wiesbaden 2005 × 240 Pixel | 533 × 806 Pixel penchant for long autobiographical digressions his. Und schien zeitweilig kurz vor dem Fall zu stehen 368v.jpg 1,227 × ;! Et ta oli 1096. aastani elus own testimony, counted members of the and!