In Canada 2006, 325,000 harp seals, as well as 10,000 hooded seals and 10,400 grey seals were killed. The following 50 debate topics can be used in high school or advanced middle school classrooms. . If we keep breeding dogs and cats more and more animals are going to die because of the animals killed to become pet food. ?There are an estimated 5 million animals in zoos worldwide and a report by the World Society for the Protection of Animals showed that only 1,200 out of the 10,000 zoos worldwide are registered for captive breeding and wildlife conservation and that only 2 percent of the world’s threatened or endangered species are registered in breeding programs.? Henry Beston. Financial products for pets come of age. "Wild Animals Do Poorly in Captivity" Exotic pets are not “wild animals” and can adapt to captivity … A combination of topics on food toxicities, health issues, behavior and surprising breed information were the most popular. ? Pets can make a person feel better when they are down and low. Pets can help teach us about responsibility and caring. High school students should not be allowed cell phones in school. They are good companions, although some can be a little bit bratty. ?It is estimated that 50 to 100 million vertebrate animals worldwide are used annually in animal testing. According to me its unfair for the animals and humans can never take care of anyone but their own species...Lastly, having a pet becomes a huge responsibility for us, its like having a new child. (dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, etc.) Some readers feel that pets are a must while others are hesitant because it restricts their freedom or because they feel pets are unhygienic. Just because humans have evolved into this awful society, it doesn't mean we have to do the same to other living beings. ?One of the most infamous examples of animal cruelty in film was Michael Cimino’s legendary flop Heaven’s Gate, in which numerous animals were killed and brutalized during production. Obviously, an important prerequisite is listing the criteria according to which value is assessed or judged and even the relative p… … . ? . (If they are dogs). . ?Most research is carried out within universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms, defense establishments, and commercial facilities that provide animal-testing services to industry.? Pets can be playful and they keep you happy. About 75 percent are in India while less than 50 are believed to be found in China’s forests. BSL affects pet parents' abilities to find ad… . ?? Animals & Pets A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.. Related: Dogs and Cats Selected Questions. This is something that probably no child would agree with as they are very fond of summer breaks and all days when there’s no school. . Can the Middle Ages in Europe be considered the Dark Ages? These figures do not include imported meat; the UK is probably a net importer so it is likely that they consume close to 1 billion farm animals a year. So all i am saying is you should have pets ONLY if you are ready to take care of the pet as if he/she like your own baby...Also i feel that having pets makes humans superior to the animals. Tripwires were used against horses when Rambo III and The Thirteenth Warrior were being filmed. Despite this some scientists and animal rights organizations, such as PETA and BUAV, question the legitimacy of it, arguing that it is cruel, poorly regulated and that medical progress is being held back by misleading animal models among other reasons. . It might be difficult to come up with an impressive topic on your own, but the positive news is that you can write about something that you are passionate about. . Thousands of greyhounds die each year from racing injuries or exhaustion and over 800 racehorses die each year from fatal injuries on US racetracks alone. Sample Debate Speech: Computer-based Research Technique in Comparison with Animal Experimentation. . People complain about pets hurting their children, but that's only a few pets here and there. slauter houses and their treatment of the animals. Unless someone can convincingly explain why it is good for the animal rather 'they are good because I want to own one' I'm going to vote for 'No'. Where did you get it from? We should not be adopting wild animals that are nice, but were not MEANT to be pets. Interesting Debate Topics for High School Students You were probably aware of the debate club in high school, and maybe you were a part of it yourself! They also help maintain order around the house. This is a list of 10 widely discussed topics of animal use that some support openly, while others refuse to accept them under any circumstances.?? Each item is listed in the form of a question to propose to your students that has at … ? ?Some people will say animal testing is necessary in the furthering of medical treatment for humans but the other side of this argument is that animal testing is completely unacceptable and treatment for humans should be only be tested on humans.? Lacking vocabulary is the biggest sticking point when it comes to participation, or lack thereof, in ESL debates. Sports training should be mandatory for every student. I then came to realize that owning pets contributes to the endless cycle of breeding them as a commodity and property rather than the companions they are supposed to be. . ?It is estimated that worldwide, 140 billion animals are killed for human consumption ever year. . . Debate Topics For Kids Aged 13 To 15: Good debate topics for kids are provocative, thought-provoking, and will tickle the cells of your teen child’s brain. ?Worldwide it’s estimated that 40-50 million animals are killed every year for their fur, including raccoon dogs, rabbits, foxes, mink, and chinchillas. Many people like to debate on historical topics. work animals, like the horse drawn carriages in the city so bad on their feet. Everywhere we look, whether it be social media or the news, breed discrimination and breed specific legislation (BSL) are constantly being discussed. I just felt like telling someone somewhere after my best friend's girlfriend has decided to de-claw their new kitten. . From high profile support from celebrities, outspoken models from the fashion world and animal campaigners, animal rights is an issue that has sparked outrage and even government debate. The United States is home to some 10,000 captive tigers, owned by zoos, sanctuaries and private individuals.? ?Supporters of the practice, such as the British Royal Society, argue that virtually every medical achievement in the 20th century relied on the use of animals in some way, with the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences arguing that even sophisticated computers are unable to model interactions between molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, and the environment, making animal research necessary in many areas. zoo's. This prevents the animal from aging fully, so its brain and hormones never mature. And yes I am 11, I think pets are a part of our lives and they love us pets help disabled people with daily needs and wants i think that most people love cats to sure people are allergic to pets but i am allergic to certain pets but not all of them THE END, They can keep you clam also they will love on you keep warm and safe from the night yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes yesyesyes yes yes yes yes yes yesyes yes yes yes. There are many types of sport in which animals are used for; hunting being the most recognized and debated. Pets are good because you get more exercise and become more independent and responsible. Until you fully understand them, as a hyper advanced god-like creator would, you have no right to mate, train, use, and ultimately abuse animals for your own satisfaction. In 2008 the BBC dropped the dog show Crufts over concerns about breeding practices leaving dogs with debilitating conditions and inherited genetic disease such as a prize-winning Cavalier King Charles suffering from syringomyelia which meant that its skull was too small for its brain and also pugs suffering epilepsy. ? When you 'fix' a dog or a cat, you are essentially removing its animal nature.If the only way to keep an animal is to butcher it, doesn't that fact answer the question? Denmark, Romania and Austria abstained form the law passed by the EU council on July 27, 2009. Pets are good because you get more exercise and become more independent and responsible. We should cease all breeding and domestication of animals. History Debate Topics. hunting. Regulation on animal testing varies within various countries.?? High school debate topics are less profound than what you get in college and graduation. The interesting debate topics for kids in this list are ideal for primary school kids in the age range of 6 to 9 years. ?Animals used in traditional medicine are tigers, leopards, sharks, saiga antelope, elephants, rhinoceros, pangolins, tortoises, seahorses, musk deer, as well as 7 of the 8 species of bear. Pets can give people who are very lonely to have a friend in need. I am not against adopting, but if you adopt don't breed the poor thing. Cockfighting is now illegal but legal fights still take place around the world including cow fighting and camel wrestling. ?Seal hunting has drawn growing media attention due to the disturbing images of seals and their pups being clubbed to death. So, let’s examine some of the Animal Farm topics you might find interesting. Do you have a pet? . • Finding More Information: Some debates will naturally lend themselves to further research. Is it ethical to use animals for testing? After the release of the film Reds, the star and director of the picture, Warren Beatty apologized for his Spanish film crew’s use of tripwires on horses while filming a battle scene, when Beatty wasn’t present. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. . !NO ofcourse not.... .Moreover, they are also separated from their family.Just imagine all this situation on yourselves and see what you feel.So according to me,we have no right to steal others freedom. Further, new medicines can help animals too, since breakthroughs in veterinary medicine have also occurred due to animal experimentation. China is probably the most notable for its use of endangered tiger.? Educational Debate Topics for College Students. How old is it? The total Canadian seal product exports were valued at $18 million (CAD) in 2006. In case you hadn’t noticed, the price of veterinary care isn’t … ?In some Chinese zoos, live killing is encouraged where people can feed wild animals. Most kids want pets all their life. Debate Topics Great topics for exciting debates and discussions We have gathered together a range of debating motions, covering all sorts of topics, from sport to … Find some of the best animal persuasive essay topics that will help you come up with your own topic. No, it's not okay to have an animal.The fact is simply that dogs are too ferocious to keep when we don't cut their balls off. ?It’s easy to see why vegetarians and vegans are prominent campaigners for animal rights. . Assign some debate topics with this task in mind. ?? ? Animal campaigners have challenged the Japanese government to change its laws but whale meat and counterfeit dolphin meat sold as whale meat help to keep this horrific event continuing while the Japanese governments response has been using pest control as an explanation. Environmental Debate Topics. . The Asiatic Black Bear (more commonly known as the Moon Bear) are kept in captivity on Bear Bile Farms to enable the regular extraction of their bile acid. The pet debate. ? However, some of them will do even for middle school. . They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth. . In the Xiongsen Bear and Tiger Mountain Village near Guilin in southeast China, live cows and pigs are thrown to tigers to amuse visitors.? Have an opinion or idea you'd like to debate? The main sealing states are Canada, Greenland, Namibia, Norway and Russia although it is Canada that has gathered the most controversy with celebrities such as Paul McCartney and former wife, Heather Mills speaking out against it. Pets will keep you healthy. One of the most recently debated has been fox hunting in the United Kingdom which was outlawed in 2004 against large protests and backlash from hunters who wished for the sport to continue using live foxes. . Animal rights are widely known and accepted in western culture but despite this there are topics and events which happen every year that often cause much debate and controversy on the public and media forums. Which pets should sleep outside at night? ?Although most zoos are of a high standard nowadays and many are even encouraging breeding programs for endangered species, it is still argued that animals should not be kept in captivity but encouraged back into their native environment.? You become more thoughtful to the world and learn more about the animal that you have. The topic … They can be useful and helpful as well. Genetically modified foods (GMOs) should be banned. Nut Dangers to Dogs Pets make you happier and more comfortable.I understand that its bad if you buy the animal and you plan on torturing, that's bad. . At its core, Pet ownership is about an animal giving up its natural life for the 'good of the owner'. Horses can perform heavy labor tasks and keep grass short. ? Until you can use DNA and protein strains to design and build a less intelligent companion for your weak and needy consumption, you should leave animals alone, just as they are. There are many ways that you can use the debates in this book.Students can read them independently,or you can use them for a whole-class discussion or as shared reading.Here are a few suggestions: We most definitely should keep pets because they will keep us fit . Fur from China is often mislabeled as that from another species and sold throughout the world so it is difficult to know for certain where the fur you are buying came from.?? circus' mass production of eggs and chickens. I like animals and I rescued some of them from bad homes. So, how to come up with an exceptional animal farm intelligence topic should be the question. There are several frameworks according to which debate topics can be classified. Animals make wonderful companions both inside and outside. They are living creatures and domesticated by us and depend us because of us, But it is time to end the cycle. Pets keep you active and on the run. Animals should have the same rights as humans. I've seen it. We don't need to euthanize and murder all of our pets or release them to the wild because that is harmful and abusive to them as well. Media images of the event often show the usual blue waters of the cove blood red and some even go further to show the animals sounding in distress. They are organized by genre and some can be modified for use in different subjects. Many animals, especially primates, share about 90% of their genetic make-ups with humans, so experimenting on such animals can give scientists a good idea about possible reactions in the human body. Using animals for entertainment purposes. ? You become more thoughtful to the world and learn more about the animal that you have. To the average non-pet parent, we may sound like we're "beating a dead horse." Topics need to be chosen keeping in mind the maturity level and understanding that participants are expected to have. The year’s top 20 articles were ranked by the number of visits to the Pet HealthZone, a Nationwide pet insurance site which offers advice on daily life with pets. It aint that animal's job to be your friend, sniff your drugs, or eat that nasty animal byproduct food you feel so good about feeding those underdeveloped lifeforms you cultivate and assign identities to. It is selfish. Most people are very busy and are not able to look after a pet so what benefit does owning a pet have? What does it look like (color, breed, etc. . Debate Topics . Dogs appear to have been with early humans in many different parts of the world. ? While making this list, I tried to think about topics that most students around the world have heard about and can offer his or her opinion on. . Companies should be taxed on their carbon emissions and other negative environmental impacts. Other people around the world seem to have tamed many sorts of animals as companions and pets, from goldfish and birds to monkeys and reptiles. Pets will be there when you need them to and will always stay by your side. NONE. One of the most popular classification systems is that according to which there are: 1. motions of fact– these focus on whether something is true or not. Sacrifise their free time for their pet?Also a pet needs proper care just like a normal human does...Some people dont do that. If you have a debate coming up soon and need to pick a strong topic, here is a list of 50 debate topics that are guaranteed to generate a lively discussion. Although pets are wonderful, we should only be adopting animals that were MEANT to be pets. ?Although there are now laws covering animal use in filmmaking in America and Europe, other eastern countries such as South Korea have been criticized for the use of animals such as in the film, The Isle, in which a real frog is skinned alive while fish are mutilated. I looked it up, and it turns out that it involves cutting off the cat's first knuckle to prevent the claw from growing back. Over 250 million animals are killed each year by hunting in the US alone and this does not include the millions of animal figures that are not maintained by state wildlife agencies. Tonnage figures from the Marine Fisheries Agency together with estimates for average weight of fish suggest that, in addition, about 1,500 million sea fish and 80 million farmed salmon are consumed.? Pedigree breeding of dogs has attracted a lot of attention in the past few years and many think it is cruel and unfair to the welfare of the animal because of the effects on the lifespan of the animal. Animals in sport also include Bullfighting which is still practiced under Spanish and Portuguese traditions. Just because humans have evolved into this awful society, it doesn't mean we should do the same to other animals. )? If you want to have a pet as a companion, adopt it and don't breed it. Yes, I personally believe every one should be entitled to have pets if they so choose. Pets are a reliable way to prevent or stop … It can be funny, informative, contemplative, social, economical - the categories are endless. We all need freedom and want to live our own life.Just to enjoy our life should we steal the freedom of others especially pets???!! Here is a sample essay on one of the topics above. Horse and dog racing are also very popular around the world, attracting many people for legal gambling but even this has attracted debate. The fur trade has gathered much protest from campaigners for the inhumane way the animals are reared and killed, often in cages where they suffer from numerous physical and behavioral abnormalities induced by the stress of caging conditions and then killed methods that preserve the pelt, such as gassing, neck-breaking and anal electrocution.? . Believe me, i love pets i had a maltese too, but i couldnt take care of him properly, i didnt spend enough time for him and i ended up selling him to a family i think would take care of him better than i did. In essence, these are factual interpretations of certain questions. Its a true fact. Most animals are euthanized after being used in an experiment.? elephants in captivity who life half as a long as thoses in the wild. Because of the lack of genetic variation, birth defects and inherited diseases in breeds such as deafness in Dalmatians, heart disease in Boxer dogs and hip dysplasia (abnormal hip joint development) in German Shepherd dogs has become extremely common. It is a selfish thing to do. Of this, $5.4 million went to the EU, although in 2007, Belgium became the first EU state to ban seal products. animal actors. Keeping the fact in mind, I came up with a list of challenging debate topics that you can freely discuss as a college or a high school student. Which pets should stay inside at night? Everyone should be vegetarian. Dogs bark when strangers approach. And if you are happy you live longer. 2. motions of value – these focus on whether something is of value or not. For eg: Just imagine being tied to a leash, having to urinate only when your OWNER says, being shouted at or just because you climbed on your OWNER's sofa. Pets have that effect on us. Once trapped inside the cove the animals are killed by having their throats slashed or by being speared. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. ?Every year, hundreds or even thousands of dolphin and small whale are rounded up and forced into a small hidden cove in Taiji where they are slaughtered in the worlds largest scale kill of its kind, lasting up to six months. They should not be our slaves no matter how well we are treating them or believe they love us. . ?Most research is carried out within universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms, defense establishments, and commercial facilities that provide animal-testing services to industry.? Canadian law forbids the killing of pup seals until they have began molting at 12-15 days. . Climate change is the greatest threat in human history. If we don't have pets, we will become more lazy and more sociopathic. ? . In 2009 the EU parliament successfully voted to ban the import of seal products. No one has even attempted to explain why it is good for the animal. Fracking should be banned. If you can’t find a topic; below you will find good persuasive essay topics about animals. Better grades ensure a bright future. Most animals are euthanized after being used in an experiment.? . Cimino allegedly killed chickens and bled horses from the neck to gather samples of their blood to smear on actors for Heaven’s Gate, and also allegedly had a horse blown up with dynamite while shooting a battle sequence, the shot of which made it into the film. 2.5 Debate Topics For High School. Feel free to discuss it here, but We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. ?Tiger bones, skin, fat, whiskers, tail, penises and gall bladders among other parts are believed to cure ailments, keep black magic at bay and possess aphrodisiac properties. We should have pets because they make us feel better, and they are adorable little furballs. Let’s be honest, school is not popular and year-round schooling would be a nightmare for kids. Within 20 years they will have died out and will no longer be a commodity to be bred for the sole purpose of our amusements. In today’s world, there are so many controversial issues and in that case, you can easily choose a topic and build your persuasive speech about animals. However, this will not be the case for every topic. . We know that many schools assign debates on topical issues in order to help their students learn to speak and write persuasively, develop research skills, and recognize the multiple sides of a controversial or multifaceted issue—and the question of how to reduce animal homelessness and suffering is certainly such a topic. Subject. . Education is always a disputable topic in universities and colleges. Although much larger numbers of invertebrates are used and the use of flies and worms as model organisms is very important, experiments on invertebrates are largely unregulated and not included in statistics. Animals on factory farms have no legal protection from cruelty that could be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats, including neglect, mutilations, genetic manipulation, drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, transport through all weather extremes and gruesome and violent slaughter for human consumption.? ?While the steal trade is an extremely controversial issue, many livelihoods depend on the seal trade. Its all true. . But it makes me sick that we had to remove its sexual organs to do so. Sadly, after the completion of these experimentations, the animals used are euthanized. An additional 10,000 animals were allocated for hunting by Aboriginal peoples. Cats eat vermin. For the animal shall not be measured by man. 1 in 8 people in Australia live in extreme poverty so I highly doubt that these people will be able to pay for a pet let alone own one!LOL. Debate Topics has over 90 debate topics complete with pro and con arguments featuring quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research. ?Recently China has come under attack from extremist campaigners such as PETA and media over the cruel photos and videos of dogs and cats being kept in awful conditions and then bludgeoned, hanged, bled to death, strangled with wire nooses, and even skinned alive so that their fur can be turned into trim and trinkets. In addition to being cute and cuddly, pets help keep the natural order of things around the property. ? ? It was the Ancient Egyptians who first bred wild cats 5000 years ago to produce the domestic cats we know today. . Are you passionate about the pets in your life? Just doesn't sit well with me, but who cares? ?Official figures show that UK abattoirs slaughter 900 million poultry, and 30 million cattle, sheep and pigs every year. A good debate topic does not necessarily need to be a political topic. Read a number of 'yes' reasons and they were all similar to 'because they are good for us' and they are fun (for us). We should have pets because, if a sick person gets to cuddle a pet they start feeling better. I'm sure she won't notice when they are gone. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. I think every home should have a pet because. List how the animals can be used in the entertainment … It is not known how many dogs worldwide suffer the genetic effects of extreme pedigree breeding but the debilitating effect is well known. We're talking about animal rights and issues -- from declawing and debarking to controlling the animal and wildlife population. Dogs which pets should sleep outside at night owning a pet so what benefit owning. Successfully voted to ban the import of seal products nut Dangers to dogs which pets sleep... 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