October 11, 2012 Change css menu template the hover color from green to red. Core class used to implement an HTML list of nav menu items. Note importante. Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total) Author. How do I change the text colour on the woocomerce checkout page from white to black? CurlyHost. Hey Enfold, Wheat Whisky. nav > ul li ul {display: none;} nav > ul li:hover ul {display: block;} In addition, scripting is used to slightly delay the immediate closing of submenu items when the mouse leaves the area. La tentation est grande d'utiliser la méthode des rollovers CSS avec ce type d'image et de les insérer comme des … .site-header div.nav-wrap nav ul li.current-menu-item a:visited {. Required fields are marked *. If we add display: flex to a container, the child items all become flex items arranged in a row. I find every parent (till the root), and calculate the client side ID of both the current menu item and the parent menu items. The HTML