We all know that careers in science, mathematics, and engineering are interesting, satisfying, and rewarding. Sigma Xi holds special spaces in my career as a scientist. Below is a list of the candidates along with their position statements. Those elected to the Board of Directors will serve a two-year term, beginning at the annual meeting in February 2021. Board of Directors Statement of Candidates Larry D. Warner We spend two weeks at KBV every year and cherish every minute of it. If elected Associate Director of the _____________ Constituency, I will use my experience to assist the Director as needed and I will work towards promoting the relevance of scientific endeavors both in all our campuses and in the community at large. That is where the strength of the organization really lies. If you did not receive your ballot in the mail, please contact Julie in the office. SAMPLE #2 CANDIDATE STATEMENT AND BIO FOR REGIONAL DIRECTOR . I am Co-Principal Investigator of a Battelle funded grant on behalf of __________ University Sigma Xi to organize seminars by prominent researchers for freshmen. 3 Previous BBC service and length of service:22 years in News and Current Affairs. During this term, Ihave served as Secretary, participated on several committees, and represented UC Berkeley as one oftwo delegates to the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies.Berkeley Staff Assembly identifies and moves into the forefront key topics that are important tostaff. Putting the strategic plan to work. Putting the strategic plan to work. Be specific in what issues you hope to tackle. 2020 HOA Election Candidate Statements. Ballots are due before 1pm on April 1st. First, when at the induction banquet at the ___________ University Chapter in 1971, I had the sense, as a first in my family to go to college, much less achieve the Ph.D., of having made an important achievement—having earned membership in the fraternity of scientists. The ballots often arrive during the busy hunting season and must be submitted by mail. Board Candidates' Statements Stephen Beach . 1995-96 President-Elect of the _______ Chapter of the Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi. I am a Fellow of the IEEE and was Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (formerly IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B) from 2008-2013. Currently, I believe that there is too much effort with the central structure and not enough at the chapter level. Senior Broadcast Journalist, Ten O’Clock News. I feel that as a new unit owner, I could bring fresh ideas and represent the Village community as a whole. I will strive to find those enthusiastic local leaders who will work to make Sigma Xi once again the premier society to join and stay active in for life. As Facility Director, he implemented a continuous improvement program that doubled the study capacity within six months. Simply put, I hope to be able to further add to Sigma Xi new ideas to spur future science while aimed at supporting our future researchers! The ____________Geographic Region can serve as a model for developing strategic partnerships in diverse settings. The latter is especially important as I believe it helps us to look at different points of views which can infuse us with new creativity in advancing the science in our own disciplines. The following four people are running for three openings on the HOA Board. Candidate Statements - Student Elections Jacob MUIR Hello! Its sole … Last modified: August, 2008 Disclaimer: This website is the sole responsibility of Mike McMahon. It is through this advocating of science that captures the imagination of young minds (and old too!) Those AAEM members who appear on the enclosed ballot have indicated their willingness to serve on the AAEM board. Be sure to include, in high-level terms as much as possible: Now is your chance to get down to the details. Sigma Xi embodies what is science and the scientific endeavor. I feel that as a new unit owner, I could bring fresh ideas and represent the Village community as a whole. L611_P2 L611_P2 BBC Biogs:Layout 1 04/08/2009 15:54 Page 2 . Writing a resume to land a position on a board is much the same as writing any other executive resume. The ballots often arrive during the busy hunting season and must be submitted by mail. Web Mail; Website Login; Opaheke Library; Assessment Site : e-asttle; … that draws more people into contributing to the scientific endeavor. Others would identify its unique grants program for students and its strong support of teachers. The awareness of the responsibilities of being a scientist is not just about one’s own research conduct and ethics but also advocating science to the world at large. Prove that you have your voter’s best interests in mind by briefly outlining the steps you will take to improve the struggles they face. I believe my work experience and versatility will contribute greatly to the Community and the Board as a Team. Consider this: The early stages of an exponential explosion of new inter- and cross-disciplinary problems as we have been witnessing in this age of social media and mass connectivity calls for an agent, in this case Sigma Xi, to help guide all of us in mapping out the way ahead. Candidate's Statement: Sigma Xi holds special spaces in my career as a scientist. Ghislain Beaupré (current board member) Vice President, R&D and Operations Teledyne DALSA . The candidate statement will demonstrate that the company, school or elected office has been thoroughly researched. Lynn Benander Candidate Statements . On a part-time basis, he also teaches anatomy and physiology online at ___________ University. All five have been verified as eligible to stand for election. I want to continue taking an active role in the ongoing improvement of our local educational system. BOARD OF DIRECTOR CANDIDATES PRESIDENT-ELECT (ELECT ONE) Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir PhD, MSc, RN Dear Colleagues, It is a great privilege to be a candidate for President-elect of Sigma Theta Tau International. The focused statement will ask itself what the recipient wants and focus on that as much as possible; it will get straight to the point. The interdisciplinary nature of Sigma Xi provides the perfect environment for the free exchange of ideas across disciplines. There is truly NONE in high school. The second area of interest focuses on the intermediate metabolism of Trypanosoma cruzi. Sample Candidate Statements - BSA General Council; Sample Candidate Statements - BSA General Council . 1986-96 Member of the Committee on Symposia, International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB). September 25, 2018 at 7:26 AM. The new campus. Still, there are some issues that are not being addressed well enough and are so close to my heart, that I feel that my running for the ___________ Region Director position is a necessity. My name is Jacob Muir. Candidates' Statements. Transitioning from Superintendent Sheila Roley to Susan Penrod. Managing a law firm can be an overwhelming job. Numbers don't lie, and they do know the numbers...too late. I am an old dad of young boys (8, 4). Unfortunately, many scientists do not take advantage of this by only joining their own professional societies. Sharon and I have lived in Temelec for over 20 years. Jennifer Rowsell There are … BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEE (INCUMBENT) Qualifications and Biographical Information . As a board member, I will work to ensure that they are all held to the highest standards, and will make the success of our students my number one priority. It would be my great honor to take these next steps with you. It described some interesting research by Sauermann and Roach (Sauermann, H., and M. Roach. Explain to your voters why the issue they’re facing has to change and why. Name: Present Position: Organization: Chapter Affiliation: Candidate's Statement: I am a Life Member of Sigma Xi, and am proud to list it at the top of the professional organizations section of my curriculum vitae. PLoS ONE 7(5):e36307+) how students once in their programs for the most part stop pursuing academic positions as a career. Come on, there is more than enough data already...the students are saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Board of Directors Candidate Statement Candidate Name Fertile Ground Food Cooperative Nominating Member Minimum Qualifications: Ideal candidates will have the following qualifications: Extensive personal and/or professional experience with significant leadership accomplishments in business, government, philanthropy, or education A commitment to and understanding of FGFC’s mission, SE … He then moved to a Principal Scientist and pre-clinical management position at ____________Inc. According to the Alaska Division of Elections website, turnout for the 2014 school board elections was 13.21% of the registered voters. You are here: Home / Board of Trustees Parent Representative Candidate Statements. My name is Mindy Brewer and I have lived at 32 Union Mill Rd. Also, they need warm bodies to maintain their careers, so why rock the boat. 2. He is currently professor of Biomedical Sciences and Associate Dean in the College of Allied Health Professions at the University of _____________. If you are allowed to use them, add testimonials from colleagues about your work ethic and characteristics that make you a great candidate for the job. A well-written candidate statement is clear and concise. The list is suggestive only but it does serve to underscore the need to focus and achieve results. Casting a ballot or taking a vote in-person can be a powerful experience for your voters. EXECUTIVE AND BOARD CANDIDATE BIOS: Executive Presence On Display Career Planning & Adult Development Network Journal Summer 2014 www.yellowbrickpath.com 5 Here’s another example that is always a favorite. Candidate profiles showcase your potential leader’s talents, skills, and experience. Reiterate your respect for the position and what it entails. My name is Ian Owens and I am running for the Leyden Rock Metro District board. My work contributes to the public health research literature and public health practice (and aligns with the mission of the College of Health and Human Services [CHHS]: to improve and promote community health). As a member of Sigma Xi I believe our duty is to promote the importance of this exchange among our peers, in order to keep alive the desire of learning beyond the narrow scope of our disciplines. Statements from each of the candidates and AAEM activities dating back five years are on the following pages. Why do you feel so passionate about holding office? Candidate Statement My name is Andy Phelps, a proud husband and devoted father of two Okemos students, and I am excited for the opportunity to serve as a member of the Okemos Board of Education. Yes. As a former director and past president (2012-2017), it is my honor to run again for election to the Wheatsfield Board. 2017 Your New Candidates for Voting...See Link Below Their Bio's and Statements  Powered by Create your own unique website with … 2020 Board Candidate Statements The Nominations Committee is pleased to put forward the following list of candidates to fill the four open seats on the CSA Board of Directors. How To Write Your Resume for Board Positions. I teach a doctoral seminar on research methodology and just completed a freshman engineering honors course. 2006-07 President of the ___________Chapter of the Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi This issue of the SunBird News and the SunBird website have information regarding each of these candidates. First, I love being a part of our small, growing community and I have a strong desire to be an active participant in continuing to build our crown jewel, the Westonka Schools. I am currently Professor of Engineering in the _________ School of Engineering at __________ College . Jenn Jury. I hold a PhD and MS from ____________ University and a BS from ____________ University. In addition to his interest in basic science, _________ has developed undergraduate and graduate courses to train students in the areas of Bioethics and Responsible Conduct of Research. Besides basic information such as your title and years at your organization, consider answering these questions as well: Your voters will want to know how your potential position in office will impact them. 2002-04 President of the University of ________ Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi My efforts would center on attracting young members and assuring the revived and long-lived relevance of the organization. You can find sample website copy examples at OnlineCandidateResources.com. The News-Press invited all those running in the City of Falls Church’s November School Board and City Council races to submit 400-word candidate statements for publication. I have written over 300 technical reports and peer-reviewed papers. Briefly tell your story and mention why it’s so important for you to be running for a leadership position in this year’s election. In ______ years at___________ and within the_________ Research Institute, I 1) directed the Environmental Science and Technology Laboratory where much of the research was detection and management of toxic materials and prevention of environmental and occupational exposures; 2) served on the senior staff of the $100 million per year enterprise responsible for strategic planning, business development, institute operations; and managed the __________ Research  Institute state appropriations process; and 3) was also jointly appointed as Professor in three Schools teaching and serving on graduate committees. I would bring a unique perspective to the board in that I am a parent of current students, I have been a business professional in the community for over 20 years, and I have a degree in Business Finance. Make sure your statement is enthusiastic and positive. This year two Board positions will be available for election with five interested candidates running for these positions. This year we have four candidates running for the CRSD Board… Karen has been both a teacher and an administrator, both at school sites and at the district level. I am Bruce Marley, current HOA Board member, and candidate for re-election to our Board. If allowed, speak to your election administrator about possibly previewing what your candidate statement looks like on the ballot. It is my hope to offer my experience and acquired skills to the region. Through the years, I have introduced students (both undergraduate and graduate) to Sigma Xi by encouraging them to read American Scientist to broaden their perspectives, compete in the Grants-in-Aid of Research program, and participate in activities sponsored by the local chapters. With the offer and choice of Life Membership came, what I feel,  is a contract that goes on, well, for the life of the member. Candidate statements are a necessary component of successfully running for leadership positions because they share the steps a candidate will take in order to tackle major organizational issues. It is a serious injustice to those who will be following us, and it needs to be addressed by a premier organization. Sigma has been developing as a global Having retired from __________ in 2009, I am currently the president of __________. Rachel Dakarian. As you are aware, the call for nominations was sent to all voting members. As a final step before formally nominating candidates for the board, it is wise for the board chair, the chair of the governance committee, and/or the chief executive to meet with the candidates. I am also on the editorial boards for the International Journal of Image and Graphics, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, and Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. Oct. 25, 2016. We are concerned about the aging of the property and decline in active owner participation on the board. You’ve shared your skills and expertise, and also presented the issue at large. Assistant Producer, One and Six O’Clock News. Sigma Xi is positioned to unite many constituencies in the advancement of research as a learning tool. Stay up to date on the latest topics in your industry. I worked routinely with presidents, vice presidents for research and academic affairs, deans, and most importantly young faculty, and became quite experienced in a broad array of public and private university administrative and business development processes. Keeping your introduction short and impactful is crucial to grabbing your voter’s attention. Send mail to mikemcmahonausd@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site. Leyden Rock Metro District Candidate Statement Name: Ian Owens Address: 17454 W 84th Dr. Email Address: ianowenslrboard@gmail.com Phone Number: 720-771-3671 Why should I be elected to the LRMD Board? Leave the reader knowing that you deserve their vote on Election Day. It also informs voters of your candidate’s intent and reason behind running. Bethany Kucia. I am just finishing my 20th year on the school board, with four years on the budget committee before that. I hereby declare candidacy for the Board of Managers at the Village. The Nominations Committee is pleased to put forward the following list of candidates to fill the four open seats on the CSA Board of Directors. School Board elections often fly under the radar. I was so proud. If you don’t have a headshot, there are many online resources available that will teach you how to take a professional looking photo using your personal phone or camera. What is a personal statement? in Mathematics (specializing in Numerical Analysis) from Youngstown State University, as well as Sc.M. I hereby declare candidacy for the Board of Managers at the Village. Candidate Statement - Sample Ballot By Katy Dillwood Candidate for Board Member; Windsor Unified School District: This information is provided by the candidate: My name is Katy Dillwood. If you did not receive your ballot in the mail, please contact Julie in the office. The more candidates can tie their story into the position they’re seeking, the … D. Students Losing Interest". 1989-94 Member of the International Cell Research Organization (ICRO). Our Chapter works closely with teachers to provide real time assistance to them, offers grants in aid to undergraduate and graduate students, and serves as a body of judges for our State Science Day. From this list, the two candidates with the most votes will be elected to join the CSA Board. Candidate Statement I want to serve on the Westonka School Board for two reasons. Your online voting initiative can take many routes. I feel this was an incorrect action, and as a Director, I will work to reverse that decision. Describe the positive changes that the organization will experience once these issues are handled. D., is currently a candidate for the Tustin Unified School District Board of Education. I’m seeking re-election to finish what’s in front of us: 1. Elected candidates will serve a 3-year term beginning in May/June. A well-written candidate statement is clear and concise. _____________ has published almost 100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters. Below are candidate statements for all nine candidates for three open school board seats. BOARD OF DIRECTOR CANDIDATES PRESIDENT-ELECT (ELECT ONE) Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir PhD, MSc, RN Dear Colleagues, It is a great privilege to be a candidate for President-elect of Sigma Theta Tau International. Alex Banfield. Executive Council of Homeowners, Inc. 5669 Snell Avenue, #249 San Jose, CA 95123-3328 I am just finishing my 20th year on the school board, with four years on the budget committee before that. This year, 4 seats are up for election on the NATE's governing body. Karen has been both a teacher and an administrator, both at school sites and at the district level. Copyright © 2021, eBallot. For profiles and candidate statements for everyone ... Election Hub. I have invested funding in the preparation of special research courses for freshmen. Be inspirational in your summary. I have participated in the NAS study of the postdoc experience on U.S. campuses, in advisory committee meeting of NSF, NIH, and the U.S. Department of Education and in the Big Ten (plus Chicago and Penn State) coordinating council. Sigma’s vision is to be the global organization of choice for nurses. 2010- Member of the National Nominations Committee of Scientific Honor Society Sigma Xi. I would like for us to be known for significant accomplishments - ones we identify together. Over ensuing decades, extensive travel prevented my deep involvement, but I have remained affiliated through _________ Chapter. Today, I am submitting my application to sit on the AIA Board of Directors for another two year term. 2009- Treasurer, University of                Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi I want to play an active role in the ongoing improvement of our University and its many facets. I currently work as the Budget and Financial Services Manager for Information Systems & Technology (IST) control unit. The statements are listed in the same order that the candidates appear on the ballot, from left to right. I continue to offer services to universities here and abroad, scores of Federal and State agencies and departments, and numerous firms in private industry. You may need to trim down your statement or adjust your formatting to fit within the designated area. I am a 25-year firefighter in the city of Astoria. D. in Physiology from Albany Medical College. Board of Trustees Parent Representative Candidate Statements. Maintaining membership roles in Sigma Xi is always an ongoing issue. I received my B.S. I understand that with membership comes income, the lifeblood of any organization. I am a Life Member of Sigma Xi, and am proud to list it at the top of the professional organizations section of my curriculum vitae. Distinguished Lecturer Adobe Connect Sessions, Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference, Welcome Letter from the Executive Director and CEO, See the Total Solar Eclipse with Sigma Xi, Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate, and Health, Tips for the 2016 Student Research Showcase. Rachel Dakarian. 2020 Board Candidate Statements. Delinquent assessments and the increasing costs of … According to the Alaska Division of Elections website, turnout for the 2014 school board elections was 13.21% of the registered voters. Karen Twaddell, Ed. This year, ______________ moved to the position of Director of Research at _________ Inc., an obesity medical device company in California. In 1998 he designed a campus-wide program for undergraduate research which since then has received funding from NASA and the National Science Foundation. What unique skills and experience have you had that will make you the best person for the job? I am also a Fellow of The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute. Candidate A: I have been an UC employee for approximately XX years. If you need to, ask a colleague to review it for grammatical errors and get their feedback on what you’ve written. D.'s are, therefore, totally on their own to scrape out some sort of career for themselves post-degree. There is still so much potential that the organization possesses to maintain interest in Sigma Xi as a Society that it currently doesn't utilize, it is no wonder that membership is dwindling. The News-Press invited all those running in the City of Falls Church’s November School Board and City Council races to submit 400-word candidate statements for publication. Many would point to its growing influence in science education and undergraduate research. All candidate statements will have strictly-applied word limits, so it’s important to keep your answers short and to the point. It also informs voters of your candidate’s intent and reason behind running. Earlier this year, I felt that bond was broken when a terrific asset, hard copy issues of the American Scientist were withdrawn. 2020 Board Candidate Statements. High Country Press reached out to candidates for Watauga County Board of Commissioners. Unfortunately, then, the vast majority of Ph. Candidates’ Election Statements Please read the candidates’ election statements before marking your enclosed ballot paper. Liz Bishoff . BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEE (INCUMBENT) My name is Bethany Kucia and I am running for a seat on the River Towers Board of Directors to serve a community that I love. Karen Twaddell, Ed. For example, if you are running to be student union president, your statement will be focused on that role, the university/college and the needs of the students. For the next-generation of scientific discoveries to happen, we need to further identify what Sigma Xi can provide as a catalyst for success. 2008-10 Councilor, At Large Division, Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). His research concentrated in the fields of thermoregulatory and respiratory physiology and shock and trauma. His has identified several intracellular sources of ROS and developed methods to detect their formation. Board of Directors Statement of Candidates Larry D. Warner We spend two weeks at KBV every year and cherish every minute of it. The more knowledgeable you are on important subjects such as these, the more dedicated and motivated you will seem to your voters. Transitioning from Superintendent Sheila Roley to Susan Penrod. Their candidate statements are in alphabetical order. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Youngstown State University, a M.S. ... We have developed a sample candidate rating form. Karen is a retired educator/administrator, with a background in special education. My commentary received quite a few "Likes", so I know I am on to something significant. Candidates' Statements. […] So, to retain those, in essence, I and all of the other Life Members could continue as Life Members as in the past, but now for a yearly fee. I taught one year in Japan and also coordinated an Ohio business delegation to several countries, representing net-shape manufacturing. Newsletter 14.12.2020; Newsletter 2.12.2020; Newsletter 18.11.2020; LINKS . continuing my career-long pursuit of every avenue available to assure the attraction and retention of women and minorities to our profession. This week’s statements are from Falls Church School Board candidates Gregory Anderson, Richard Crespin, Alison Kutchma, Shannon Litton, Shawna Russell and Lawrence Webb. Throughout all phases of my career, I have worked on projects with a myriad of State and Federal governmental agencies and private companies, as well as professional organizations. It also looks to enlarging its membership and developing its leadership, especially the local unit boards, to meet the challenges of the times. WNA Board of Directors Election: Candidate Bio Sheet Mindy Brewer 32 Union Mill Road Greetings Neighbors! A well-written personal statement can give you a competitive advantage over other candidates and help you secure a new job or college placement. School Board elections often fly under the radar. This early interaction shaped my views about science and what it meant to be a scientist. An advisory board staffed with qualified individuals can provide your business with advice and expertise in a variety of disciplines including management, marketing, accounting, staffing, customer service, technology, etc. Regarding "better education" of careers pre-graduate school, there is almost NONE of that available in undergraduate school, again, due to who is unable to tell that story, professors who only know how they got their jobs. Sigma has been developing as a global organization for nurses worldwide. April 7, 2020 January 6, 2020. My If you are conducting your vote online, chances are that candidate profiles are a feature built into your online voting platform. I have had a long run of successful funding. So, of course students "lose interest in faculty positions". Evaluate Board Candidates. Below is a list of the candidates along with their position statements. Style: Use simple plain language and write legibly. Unfortunately, because of poor to no guidance, that spark-to-achieve what is in one's bones can always be beaten out of anyone. However, if your candidate statement of intent isn’t professionally written, it could harm their chances of being selection come ballot open day. 3. I have been regional chairperson of the National Council of University Research Administrators and served as fast track proposal task force chair for the Federal Demonstration Project. Doctoral seminar on research methodology and just completed a freshman engineering honors course Producer... Karen has been developing as a scientist examine what is in one 's bones can always beaten. Advantage over other candidates and help you secure a new unit owner, i joined sigma is! Of it few `` Likes '', so why Rock the boat discuss how to write an personal. Best person for the Leyden Rock Metro District Board, Ten O ’ Clock News Professor of in! 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